Results for: "strip"

Represents writing to a constant path.

::Foo = 1

Foo::Bar = 1

::Foo::Bar = 1

Represents referencing a constant.


Represents writing to a constant.

Foo = 1

Represents writing to a global variable.

$foo = 1

Represents using a trailing comma to indicate an implicit rest parameter.

foo { |bar,| }

foo in [bar,]

for foo, in bar do end

foo, = bar

Represents referencing an instance variable.


Represents writing to an instance variable in a context that doesn’t have an explicit value.

@foo, @bar = baz
^^^^  ^^^^

Represents writing to a local variable.

foo = 1
No documentation available
No documentation available

Gem::StreamUI implements a simple stream based user interface.

Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count

Used for detecting missing pairs of elements each keyword needs an end, each ‘{’ needs a ‘}’ etc.


left_right =
# => "end"

left_right =
source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}' source).each do |lex|
# => "}"

Keeps track of what elements are in the queue in priority and also ensures that when one element engulfs/covers/eats another that the larger element evicts the smaller element

Holds elements in a priority heap on insert

Instead of constantly calling ‘sort!`, put the element where it belongs the first time around


queue =
queue << 33
queue << 44
queue << 1

puts queue.peek # => 44

Capture parse errors from Ripper

Prism returns the errors with their messages, but Ripper does not. To get them we must make a custom subclass.


puts" def foo").call.errors
# => ["syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting ';' or '\\n'"]

Used to construct C classes (CUnion, CStruct, etc)

Fiddle::Importer#struct and Fiddle::Importer#union wrap this functionality in an easy-to-use manner.

No documentation available

Helper methods for both Gem::Installer and Gem::Uninstaller

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

A string field represents a string value on a node. It almost always represents the unescaped value of a string-like literal. It resolves to a string in Ruby.

Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence is a subclass of Enumerator, that is a representation of sequences of numbers with common difference. Instances of this class can be generated by the Range#step and Numeric#step methods.

The class can be used for slicing Array (see Array#slice) or custom collections.

This exception is raised if the nesting of parsed data structures is too deep.

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