Results for: "Logger"

Calls the block, if given with each element of self; removes from self those elements for which the block returns false or nil.

Returns self if any elements were removed:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, :bam]! {|element| element.to_s.start_with?('b') } # => ["bar", :bam]

Returns nil if no elements were removed.

Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, :bam]! # => #<Enumerator: [:foo, "bar", 2, :bam]:select!>

When invoked with a block, yield all permutations of elements of self; returns self. The order of permutations is indeterminate.

When a block and an in-range positive Integer argument n (0 < n <= self.size) are given, calls the block with all n-tuple permutations of self.


a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation(2) {|permutation| p permutation }


[0, 1]
[0, 2]
[1, 0]
[1, 2]
[2, 0]
[2, 1]

Another example:

a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation(3) {|permutation| p permutation }


[0, 1, 2]
[0, 2, 1]
[1, 0, 2]
[1, 2, 0]
[2, 0, 1]
[2, 1, 0]

When n is zero, calls the block once with a new empty Array:

a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation(0) {|permutation| p permutation }



When n is out of range (negative or larger than self.size), does not call the block:

a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation(-1) {|permutation| fail 'Cannot happen' }
a.permutation(4) {|permutation| fail 'Cannot happen' }

When a block given but no argument, behaves the same as a.permutation(a.size):

a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation {|permutation| p permutation }


[0, 1, 2]
[0, 2, 1]
[1, 0, 2]
[1, 2, 0]
[2, 0, 1]
[2, 1, 0]

Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

a = [0, 1, 2]
a.permutation # => #<Enumerator: [0, 1, 2]:permutation>
a.permutation(2) # => #<Enumerator: [0, 1, 2]:permutation(2)>

Returns an array with both a numeric and a int represented as Integer objects or Float objects.

This is achieved by converting numeric to an Integer or a Float.

A TypeError is raised if the numeric is not an Integer or a Float type.

(0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF+1).coerce(42)   #=> [42, 4611686018427387904]

Returns the largest number less than or equal to self with a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is negative, the returned value has at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

555.floor(-1)  # => 550
555.floor(-2)  # => 500
-555.floor(-2) # => -600
555.floor(-3)  # => 0

Returns self when ndigits is zero or positive.

555.floor     # => 555
555.floor(50) # => 555

Related: Integer#ceil.

Returns self modulo other as a real number.

For integer n and real number r, these expressions are equivalent:

n % r

See Numeric#divmod.


10 % 2              # => 0
10 % 3              # => 1
10 % 4              # => 2

10 % -2             # => 0
10 % -3             # => -2
10 % -4             # => -2

10 % 3.0            # => 1.0
10 % Rational(3, 1) # => (1/1)

Returns the remainder after dividing self by other.


11.remainder(4)              # => 3
11.remainder(-4)             # => 3
-11.remainder(4)             # => -3
-11.remainder(-4)            # => -3

12.remainder(4)              # => 0
12.remainder(-4)             # => 0
-12.remainder(4)             # => 0
-12.remainder(-4)            # => 0

13.remainder(4.0)            # => 1.0
13.remainder(Rational(4, 1)) # => (1/1)

Returns true if self has a zero value, false otherwise.

Returns self.

Return the class or module refined by the receiver.

module M
  refine String do

M.refinements[0].target # => String

Returns the Complex object created from the numerators of the real and imaginary parts of self, after converting each part to the lowest common denominator of the two:

c = Complex.rect(Rational(2, 3), Rational(3, 4)) # => ((2/3)+(3/4)*i)
c.numerator                                      # => (8+9i)

In this example, the lowest common denominator of the two parts is 12; the two converted parts may be thought of as Rational(8, 12) and Rational(9, 12), whose numerators, respectively, are 8 and 9; so the returned value of c.numerator is Complex.rect(8, 9).

Related: Complex#denominator.

Returns a 2-element array containing two numeric elements, formed from the two operands self and other, of a common compatible type.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, Integer, Rational, and Complex use this implementation.


i = 2                    # => 2
i.coerce(3)              # => [3, 2]
i.coerce(3.0)            # => [3.0, 2.0]
i.coerce(Rational(1, 2)) # => [0.5, 2.0]
i.coerce(Complex(3, 4))  # Raises RangeError.

r = Rational(5, 2)       # => (5/2)
r.coerce(2)              # => [(2/1), (5/2)]
r.coerce(2.0)            # => [2.0, 2.5]
r.coerce(Rational(2, 3)) # => [(2/3), (5/2)]
r.coerce(Complex(3, 4))  # => [(3+4i), ((5/2)+0i)]

c = Complex(2, 3)        # => (2+3i)
c.coerce(2)              # => [(2+0i), (2+3i)]
c.coerce(2.0)            # => [(2.0+0i), (2+3i)]
c.coerce(Rational(1, 2)) # => [((1/2)+0i), (2+3i)]
c.coerce(Complex(3, 4))  # => [(3+4i), (2+3i)]

Raises an exception if any type conversion fails.

Returns self.

Raises an exception if the value for freeze is neither true nor nil.

Related: Numeric#dup.

Returns self modulo other as a real number.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Rational uses this implementation.

For Rational r and real number n, these expressions are equivalent:

r % n

See Numeric#divmod.


r = Rational(1, 2)    # => (1/2)
r2 = Rational(2, 3)   # => (2/3)
r % r2                # => (1/2)
r % 2                 # => (1/2)
r % 2.0               # => 0.5

r = Rational(301,100) # => (301/100)
r2 = Rational(7,5)    # => (7/5)
r % r2                # => (21/100)
r % -r2               # => (-119/100)
(-r) % r2             # => (119/100)
(-r) %-r2             # => (-21/100)

Returns the remainder after dividing self by other.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Float and Rational use this implementation.


11.0.remainder(4)              # => 3.0
11.0.remainder(-4)             # => 3.0
-11.0.remainder(4)             # => -3.0
-11.0.remainder(-4)            # => -3.0

12.0.remainder(4)              # => 0.0
12.0.remainder(-4)             # => 0.0
-12.0.remainder(4)             # => -0.0
-12.0.remainder(-4)            # => -0.0

13.0.remainder(4.0)            # => 1.0
13.0.remainder(Rational(4, 1)) # => 1.0

Rational(13, 1).remainder(4)   # => (1/1)
Rational(13, 1).remainder(-4)  # => (1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(4)  # => (-1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(-4) # => (-1/1)

Returns true if zero has a zero value, false otherwise.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Rational and Complex use this implementation.

Returns +self+ if +self+ is not a zero value, +nil+ otherwise;
uses method <tt>zero?</tt> for the evaluation.

The returned +self+ allows the method to be chained:

  a = %w[z Bb bB bb BB a aA Aa AA A]
  a.sort {|a, b| (a.downcase <=> b.downcase).nonzero? || a <=> b }
  # => ["A", "a", "AA", "Aa", "aA", "BB", "Bb", "bB", "bb", "z"]

Of the Core and Standard Library classes,
Integer, Float, Rational, and Complex use this implementation.

Related: zero?

Returns the largest number that is less than or equal to self with a precision of digits decimal digits.

Numeric implements this by converting self to a Float and invoking Float#floor.

Returns the numerator.

Inserts the given other_string into self; returns self.

If the Integer index is positive, inserts other_string at offset index:

'foo'.insert(1, 'bar') # => "fbaroo"

If the Integer index is negative, counts backward from the end of self and inserts other_string at offset index+1 (that is, after self[index]):

'foo'.insert(-2, 'bar') # => "fobaro"

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the last occurrence of the given substring, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byterindex('f') # => 0
'foo'.byterindex('o') # => 2
'foo'.byterindex('oo') # => 1
'foo'.byterindex('ooo') # => nil

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the last match for the given Regexp regexp, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byterindex(/f/) # => 0
'foo'.byterindex(/o/) # => 2
'foo'.byterindex(/oo/) # => 1
'foo'.byterindex(/ooo/) # => nil

The last match means starting at the possible last position, not the last of longest matches.

'foo'.byterindex(/o+/) # => 2
$~ #=> #<MatchData "o">

To get the last longest match, needs to combine with negative lookbehind.

'foo'.byterindex(/(?<!o)o+/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Or String#byteindex with negative lookforward.

'foo'.byteindex(/o+(?!.*o)/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Integer argument offset, if given and non-negative, specifies the maximum starting byte-based position in the

string to _end_ the search:

 'foo'.byterindex('o', 0) # => nil
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 1) # => 1
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 2) # => 2
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 3) # => 2

If offset is a negative Integer, the maximum starting position in the string to end the search is the sum of the string’s length and offset:

'foo'.byterindex('o', -1) # => 2
'foo'.byterindex('o', -2) # => 1
'foo'.byterindex('o', -3) # => nil
'foo'.byterindex('o', -4) # => nil

If offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, IndexError is raised.

Related: String#byteindex.

Returns the byte at zero-based index as an integer, or nil if index is out of range:

s = 'abcde'   # => "abcde"
s.getbyte(0)  # => 97
s.getbyte(-1) # => 101
s.getbyte(5)  # => nil

Related: String#setbyte.

Returns a new string with the characters from self in reverse order.

'stressed'.reverse # => "desserts"

Returns self with its characters reversed:

s = 'stressed'
s.reverse! # => "desserts"
s          # => "desserts"

Returns the Symbol corresponding to str, creating the symbol if it did not previously exist. See Symbol#id2name.

"Koala".intern         #=> :Koala
s = 'cat'.to_sym       #=> :cat
s == :cat              #=> true
s = '@cat'.to_sym      #=> :@cat
s == :@cat             #=> true

This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the :xxx notation.

'cat and dog'.to_sym   #=> :"cat and dog"

Returns a centered copy of self.

If integer argument size is greater than the size (in characters) of self, returns a new string of length size that is a copy of self, centered and padded on both ends with pad_string:

'hello'.center(10)       # => "  hello   "
'  hello'.center(10)     # => "   hello  "
'hello'.center(10, 'ab') # => "abhelloaba"
'тест'.center(10)        # => "   тест   "
'こんにちは'.center(10)    # => "  こんにちは   "

If size is not greater than the size of self, returns a copy of self:

'hello'.center(5)  # => "hello"
'hello'.center(1)  # => "hello"

Related: String#ljust, String#rjust.

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 3130