Results for: "strip"

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, filepath: String, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { operator_loc: Location, expression: Prism::node?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { body: Array, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location?, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, unescaped: String, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, lparen_loc: Location?, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, rparen_loc: Location?, block: Prism::node?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location?, value_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, unescaped: String, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { names: Array[SymbolNode | InterpolatedSymbolNode], keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, predicate: Prism::node, then_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, consequent: ElseNode?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, keyword_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, predicate: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, conditions: Array, then_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, keyword_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, predicate: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, unescaped: String, location: Location }

def deconstruct_keys: (Array keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, lparen_loc: Location?, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, rparen_loc: Location?, location: Location }

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Location.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Comment.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for MagicComment.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseError.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseWarning.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Result.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for LexResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseLexResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Token.

Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 2417