Results for: "match"

Returns the size of memory allocated by malloc().

Only available if ruby was built with CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE.

The number of paths in the +$LOAD_PATH+ from activated gems. Used to prioritize -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] entries during require.

Returns the value of Gem.source_date_epoch_string, as a Time object.

This is used throughout RubyGems for enabling reproducible builds.

Deduce Ruby’s –program-prefix and –program-suffix from its install name

Should be implemented by a extended class.

tsort_each_child is used to iterate for child nodes of node.

Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in the lazy enumerator.

["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]

A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:

Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.

[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Iterate all direct child instruction sequences. Iteration order is implementation/version defined so that people should not rely on the order.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Attach the list of comments to their respective locations in the tree.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Defaults to use Ruby’s program prefix and suffix.

No documentation available

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

File Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

HTTP Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns true when it is possible and safe to update the cache directory.

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