Results for: "partition"

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Add a list of extra arguments for the given command. args may be an array or a string to be split on white space.

Accessor for the specific extra args hash (self initializing).

Get a single gem name from the command line. Fail if there is no gem name or if there is more than one gem name given.

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Writes the file containing the arguments for building this gem’s extensions.

Adds a dependency on gem dependency with type type that requires requirements. Valid types are currently :runtime and :development.

Scanning is intentionally conservative because we have no way of rolling back an aggressive block (at this time)

If a block was stopped for some trivial reason, (like an empty line) but the next line would have caused it to be balanced then we can check that condition and grab just one more line either up or down.

For example, below if we’re scanning up, line 2 might cause the scanning to stop. This is because empty lines might denote logical breaks where the user intended to chunk code which is a good place to stop and check validity. Unfortunately it also means we might have a “dangling” keyword or end.

1 def bark
3 end

If lines 2 and 3 are in the block, then when this method is run it would see it is unbalanced, but that acquiring line 1 would make it balanced, so that’s what it does.

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Create a new AliasGlobalVariableNode node.

Create a new BlockLocalVariableNode node.

Create a new CallAndWriteNode node.

Create a new CallOperatorWriteNode node.

Create a new CallOrWriteNode node.

Create a new ClassVariableReadNode node.

Create a new GlobalVariableReadNode node.

Create a new IndexAndWriteNode node.

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