Results for: "tally"

Returns the source file origin from the given object.

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Returns the original line from source for from the given object.

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Returns garbage collector generation for the given object.

class B
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "Generation is #{allocation_generation(obj)}"
end #=> "Generation is 3"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Returns true if the named file is writable by the real user and group id of this process. See access(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not writable by the real user/group.

Returns true if the named file is executable by the real user and group id of this process. See access(3).

Windows does not support execute permissions separately from read permissions. On Windows, a file is only considered executable if it ends in .bat, .cmd, .com, or .exe.

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not executable by the real user/group.

Return measured GC total time in nano seconds.

No documentation available
No documentation available

True if the requested gem has already been installed.

Installing a git gem only involves building the extensions and generating the executables.

This is a null install as this specification is already installed. options are ignored.

This is a null install as a locked specification is considered installed. options are ignored.

Installs this specification using the Gem::Installer options. The install method yields a Gem::Installer instance, which indicates the gem will be installed, or nil, which indicates the gem is already installed.

After installation spec is updated to point to the just-installed specification.

This is a null install as this gem was unpacked into a directory. options are ignored.

Calls the constructed Function, with args. Caller must ensure the underlying function is called in a thread-safe manner if running in a multi-threaded process.

Note that it is not thread-safe to use this method to directly or indirectly call many Ruby C-extension APIs unless you don’t pass +need_gvl: true+ to Fiddle::Function#new.

For an example see Fiddle::Function

Allocates a C struct with the types provided.

See Fiddle::Pointer.malloc for memory management issues.


# Automatically freeing the pointer when the block is exited - recommended
Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) do |pointer|

# Manually freeing but relying on the garbage collector otherwise
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Relying on the garbage collector - may lead to unlimited memory allocated before freeing any, but safe
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Only manually freeing
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)
ensure pointer

# No free function and no call to free - the native memory will leak if the pointer is garbage collected
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)

Allocate size bytes of memory and associate it with an optional freefunc.

If a block is supplied, the pointer will be yielded to the block instead of being returned, and the return value of the block will be returned. A freefunc must be supplied if a block is.

If a freefunc is supplied it will be called once, when the pointer is garbage collected or when the block is left if a block is supplied or when the user calls call_free, whichever happens first. freefunc must be an address pointing to a function or an instance of Fiddle::Function.

No documentation available
No documentation available

def octal?: () -> bool

Returns all specifications. This method is discouraged from use. You probably want to use one of the Enumerable methods instead.

Sets the known specs to specs.

Returns the list of all specifications in the record

Sets the specs known by the record to specs.

Main interface. Expand current indentation, before expanding to a lower indentation

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