Results for: "partition"

$foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^

$foo, $bar = 1 ^^^^ ^^^^

$foo, = bar ^^^^

@foo = 1 ^^^^^^^^

@foo, @bar = 1 ^^^^ ^^^^

@foo, = bar ^^^^

def foo(**bar); end


def foo(**); end


foo = 1 ^^^^^^^

foo, bar = 1 ^^^ ^^^

foo, = bar ^^^

def foo(**nil); end


def foo(bar:); end

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns self.

With a block given, sorts the elements of self in place; returns self.

Calls the block with each successive element; sorts elements based on the values returned from the block:

a = ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'd']
a.sort_by! {|element| element.size }
a # => ["d", "cc", "bbb", "aaaa"]

For duplicate values returned by the block, the ordering is indeterminate, and may be unstable.

With no block given, returns a new Enumerator.

Related: see Methods for Assigning.

Returns the integer index of the element from self found by a binary search, or nil if the search found no suitable element.

See Binary Searching.

Related: see Methods for Fetching.

Returns the number of bits of the value of self, which is the bit position of the highest-order bit that is different from the sign bit (where the least significant bit has bit position 1). If there is no such bit (zero or minus one), returns zero.

This method returns ceil(log2(self < 0 ? -self : self + 1))>.

(-2**1000-1).bit_length   # => 1001
(-2**1000).bit_length     # => 1000
(-2**1000+1).bit_length   # => 1000
(-2**12-1).bit_length     # => 13
(-2**12).bit_length       # => 12
(-2**12+1).bit_length     # => 12
-0x101.bit_length         # => 9
-0x100.bit_length         # => 8
-0xff.bit_length          # => 8
-2.bit_length             # => 1
-1.bit_length             # => 0
0.bit_length              # => 0
1.bit_length              # => 1
0xff.bit_length           # => 8
0x100.bit_length          # => 9
(2**12-1).bit_length      # => 12
(2**12).bit_length        # => 13
(2**12+1).bit_length      # => 13
(2**1000-1).bit_length    # => 1000
(2**1000).bit_length      # => 1001
(2**1000+1).bit_length    # => 1001

For Integer n, this method can be used to detect overflow in Array#pack:

if n.bit_length < 32
  [n].pack('l') # No overflow.
  raise 'Overflow'

Imports methods from modules. Unlike Module#include, Refinement#import_methods copies methods and adds them into the refinement, so the refinement is activated in the imported methods.

Note that due to method copying, only methods defined in Ruby code can be imported.

module StrUtils
  def indent(level)
    ' ' * level + self

module M
  refine String do
    import_methods StrUtils

using M
#=> "   foo"

module M
  refine String do
    import_methods Enumerable
    # Can't import method which is not defined with Ruby code: Enumerable#drop

See as_json.

Methods Complex#as_json and Complex.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Complex object; see Marshal.

Method Complex#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/complex'
x = Complex(2).as_json      # => {"json_class"=>"Complex", "r"=>2, "i"=>0}
y = Complex(2.0, 4).as_json # => {"json_class"=>"Complex", "r"=>2.0, "i"=>4}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Complex object:

Complex.json_create(x) # => (2+0i)
Complex.json_create(y) # => (2.0+4i)

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/complex'
puts Complex(2).to_json
puts Complex(2.0, 4).to_json



Returns whether self ends with any of the given strings.

Returns true if any given string matches the end, false otherwise:

'hello'.end_with?('ello')               #=> true
'hello'.end_with?('heaven', 'ello')     #=> true
'hello'.end_with?('heaven', 'paradise') #=> false
'тест'.end_with?('т')                   # => true
'こんにちは'.end_with?('は')              # => true

Related: String#start_with?.

Calls the given block with each successive character from self; returns self:

'hello'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' }
print "\n"
'тест'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' }
print "\n"
'こんにちは'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' }
print "\n"


h e l l o
т е с т

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 4702