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Class Methods
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Identify the code fragment at that a given exception occurred.


point_type: :name | :args

:name (default) points the method/variable name that the exception occurred.
:args points the arguments of the method call that the exception occurred.

backtrace_location: Thread::Backtrace::Location

It locates the code fragment of the given backtrace_location.
By default, it uses the first frame of backtrace_locations of the given exception.


  first_lineno: Integer,
  first_column: Integer,
  last_lineno: Integer,
  last_column: Integer,
  snippet: String,
  script_lines: [String],
} | nil


Currently, only supports a single-line code fragment. Therefore, if the return value is not nil, first_lineno and last_lineno will have the same value. If the relevant code fragment spans multiple lines (e.g., Array#[] of +ary+), the method will return nil. This restriction may be removed in the future.