This module stands as a base class for digest implementation classes.

Class Methods

Returns the base64 encoded hash value of a given string. The return value is properly padded with ‘=’ and contains no line feeds.

Returns the BubbleBabble encoded hash value of a given string.

Returns the hash value of a given string. This is equivalent to*parameters).digest(string), where extra parameters, if any, are passed through to the constructor and the string is passed to digest().

Creates a digest object and reads a given file, name. Optional arguments are passed to the constructor of the digest class.

p Digest::SHA256.file("X11R6.8.2-src.tar.bz2").hexdigest
# => "f02e3c85572dc9ad7cb77c2a638e3be24cc1b5bea9fdbb0b0299c9668475c534"

Returns the hex-encoded hash value of a given string. This is almost equivalent to Digest.hexencode(*parameters).digest(string)).