Scans up/down from the given block

You can try out a change, stash it, or commit it to save for later


scanner = code_lines, block: block)
  up: ->(_, _, _) { true },
  down: ->(_, _, _) { true }
scanner.changed? # => true
expect(scanner.lines).to eq(code_lines)


expect(scanner.lines).to_not eq(code_lines)
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Class Methods
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Instance Methods

Returns an array of all the CodeLines that exist after the currently scanned block

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Discard changes that have not been committed and revert the last commit

Cannot revert the first commit

Iterates up and down

Returns line, kw_count, end_count for each iteration

Discards any changes that have not been committed