Results for: "Pathname"

No documentation available

Sets header 'Authorization' using the given account and password strings:

req.basic_auth('my_account', 'my_password')
# => "Basic bXlfYWNjb3VudDpteV9wYXNzd29yZA=="

Creates an unsigned certificate for subject and key. The lifetime of the key is from the current time to age which defaults to one year.

The extensions restrict the key to the indicated uses.

Creates a new digest instance using the specified algorithm. The default is SHA256.

Creates a new key pair of the specified algorithm. RSA, DSA, and EC are supported.

Enumerates the trusted certificates via Gem::Security::TrustDir.

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the Rubygems version that it is planned to go away.

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the Rubygems version that it is planned to go away.

No documentation available

If response is an HTTP Success (2XX) response, yields the response if a block was given or shows the response body to the user.

If the response was not successful, shows an error to the user including the error_prefix and the response body. If the response was a permanent redirect, shows an error to the user including the redirect location.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters

Message to promote available RubyGems update with related gem update command.

Enumerates the parents of directory.

Discard statistics collected for --yjit-stats.

Format and print out counters as a String. This returns a non-empty content only when --yjit-stats is enabled.

Format large numbers with comma separators for readability

Calls the given block with each successive grapheme cluster from self (see Unicode Grapheme Cluster Boundaries); returns self:

s = "\u0061\u0308-pqr-\u0062\u0308-xyz-\u0063\u0308" # => "ä-pqr-b̈-xyz-c̈"
s.each_grapheme_cluster {|gc| print gc, ' ' }


ä - p q r - b̈ - x y z - c̈

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Same as Enumerator#with_index(0), i.e. there is no starting offset.

If no block is given, a new Enumerator is returned that includes the index.

Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, obj, and returns obj

If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator.


to_three = do |y|
  3.times do |x|
    y << x

to_three_with_string = to_three.with_object("foo")
to_three_with_string.each do |x,string|
  puts "#{string}: #{x}"

# => foo: 0
# => foo: 1
# => foo: 2

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing the definition of the constant specified. If the named constant is not found, nil is returned. If the constant is found, but its source location can not be extracted (constant is defined in C code), empty array is returned.

inherit specifies whether to lookup in mod.ancestors (true by default).

# test.rb:
class A         # line 1
  C1 = 1
  C2 = 2

module M        # line 6
  C3 = 3

class B < A     # line 10
  include M
  C4 = 4

class A # continuation of A definition
  C2 = 8 # constant redefinition; warned yet allowed

p B.const_source_location('C4')           # => ["test.rb", 12]
p B.const_source_location('C3')           # => ["test.rb", 7]
p B.const_source_location('C1')           # => ["test.rb", 2]

p B.const_source_location('C3', false)    # => nil  -- don't lookup in ancestors

p A.const_source_location('C2')           # => ["test.rb", 16] -- actual (last) definition place

p Object.const_source_location('B')       # => ["test.rb", 10] -- top-level constant could be looked through Object
p Object.const_source_location('A')       # => ["test.rb", 1] -- class reopening is NOT considered new definition

p B.const_source_location('A')            # => ["test.rb", 1]  -- because Object is in ancestors
p M.const_source_location('A')            # => ["test.rb", 1]  -- Object is not ancestor, but additionally checked for modules

p Object.const_source_location('A::C1')   # => ["test.rb", 2]  -- nesting is supported
p Object.const_source_location('String')  # => []  -- constant is defined in C code

Makes the set compare its elements by their identity and returns self. This method may not be supported by all subclasses of Set.

Returns true if the set will compare its elements by their identity. Also see Set#compare_by_identity.

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