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Returns value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t access member variable of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    Public Structure ComObject
        Public object_id As Ineger
    End Structure
End Class

and Ruby Object class has title attribute:

then accessing object_id of ComObject from Ruby is as the following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='ComObject', server)
# obj.object_id returns Ruby Object#object_id
obj.ole_instance_variable_get(:object_id) # => nil

Sets value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t set value of member of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> _
    Public title As String
    Public cost As Integer
End Class

then setting value of the ‘title’ member is as following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='Book', server)
obj.ole_instance_variable_set(:title, "The Ruby Book")

Compile a CaseMatchNode node

Compile a FindPatternNode node

Compile a ForwardingArgumentsNode node

Compile a ForwardingParameterNode node

Compile a ForwardingSuperNode node

Compile a IndexTargetNode node

Compile a InterpolatedSymbolNode node

Compile a MatchPredicateNode node

Compile a MatchRequiredNode node

Compile a MatchWriteNode node

Compile a PinnedExpressionNode node

Compile a PinnedVariableNode node

Compile a SingletonClassNode node

Compile a SourceEncodingNode node

Compile a SourceLineNode node

Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseMatchNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for FindPatternNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingArgumentsNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingParameterNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 2220