Results for: "minmax"

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Installs from the gem dependencies files in the :gemdeps option in options, yielding to the block as in install.

If :without_groups is given in the options, those groups in the gem dependencies file are not used. See Gem::Installer for other options.

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Find the best specification matching a name and requirements. Raises if the dependency doesn’t resolve to a valid specification.

Return the best specification that contains the file matching path.

Returns the full path to the build info directory

Returns the full path to the file containing the build information generated when the gem was installed

Finds all gems that satisfy dep

Expire memoized instance variables that can incorrectly generate, replace or miss files due changes in certain attributes used to compute them.

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@return true if the specs of any default gems are ‘==` to the given `spec`.

Scan blocks based on indentation of next line above/below block

Determines indentaion of the next line above/below the current block.

Normally this is called when a block has expanded to capture all “neighbors” at the same (or greater) indentation and needs to expand out. For example the ‘def/end` lines surrounding a method.

Keeps track of what lines have been added to blocks and which are not yet visited.

Given that we know our syntax error exists somewhere in our frontier, we want to find the smallest possible set of blocks that contain all the syntax errors

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Discard changes that have not been committed and revert the last commit

Cannot revert the first commit

Returns the source encoding name as a string.

Returns the source encoding name as a string.

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offline mode. read name=value pairs on standard input.

Yields to a block and preserves the previous set of objects being printed.

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