Results for: "minmax"

The installer installs the files contained in the .gem into the Gem.home.

Gem::Installer does the work of putting files in all the right places on the filesystem including unpacking the gem into its gem dir, installing the gemspec in the specifications dir, storing the cached gem in the cache dir, and installing either wrappers or symlinks for executables.

The installer invokes pre and post install hooks. Hooks can be added either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb file. See Gem.pre_install and Gem.post_install for details.

An Uninstaller.

The uninstaller fires pre and post uninstall hooks. Hooks can be added either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb file. See Gem.pre_uninstall and Gem.post_uninstall for details.

No documentation available

The UriFormatter handles URIs from user-input and escaping.

uf = ''

p uf.normalize #=> ''

Represents a single line of code of a given source file

This object contains metadata about the line such as amount of indentation, if it is empty or not, and lexical data, such as if it has an ‘end` or a keyword in it.

Visibility of lines can be toggled off. Marking a line as invisible indicates that it should not be used for syntax checks. It’s functionally the same as commenting it out.


line = CodeLine.from_source("def foo\n").first
line.number => 1
line.empty? # => false
line.visible? # => true
line.visible? # => false

Outputs code with highlighted lines

Whatever is passed to this class will be rendered even if it is “marked invisible” any filtering of output should be done before calling this class.
  lines: lines,
  highlight_lines: [lines[2], lines[3]]
# =>
    2  def cat
  > 3    Dir.chdir
  > 4    end
    5  end

Used for formatting invalid blocks

Tracks which lines various code blocks have expanded to and which are still unexplored

Not a URI.

Not a URI component.

RFC6068, the mailto URL scheme.

Raised by Encoding and String methods when a transcoding operation fails.

Raised by Encoding and String methods when the string being transcoded contains a byte invalid for the either the source or target encoding.

An ObjectSpace::WeakMap is a key-value map that holds weak references to its keys and values, so they can be garbage-collected when there are no more references left.

Keys in the map are compared by identity.

m =
key1 = "foo"
val1 =
m[key1] = val1

key2 = "foo"
val2 =
m[key2] = val2

m[key1] #=> #<Object:0x0...>
m[key2] #=> #<Object:0x0...>

val1 = nil # remove the other reference to value

m[key1] #=> nil
m.keys #=> ["bar"]

key2 = nil # remove the other reference to key

m[key2] #=> nil
m.keys #=> []

(Note that GC.start is used here only for demonstrational purposes and might not always lead to demonstrated results.)

See also ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap map class, which compares keys by value, and holds weak references only to the keys.

An ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap is a key-value map that holds weak references to its keys, so they can be garbage collected when there is no more references.

Unlike ObjectSpace::WeakMap:

(Note that GC.start is used here only for demonstrational purposes and might not always lead to demonstrated results.)

The collection is especially useful for implementing caches of lightweight value objects, so that only one copy of each value representation would be stored in memory, but the copies that aren’t used would be garbage-collected.

CACHE = ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap

def make_value(**)
   val =**)
   if (existing = @cache.getkey(val))
      # if the object with this value exists, we return it
      # otherwise, put it in the cache
      @cache[val] = true

This will result in make_value returning the same object for same set of attributes always, but the values that aren’t needed anymore woudn’t be sitting in the cache forever.

AbstractSyntaxTree provides methods to parse Ruby code into abstract syntax trees. The nodes in the tree are instances of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node.

This module is MRI specific as it exposes implementation details of the MRI abstract syntax tree.

This module is experimental and its API is not stable, therefore it might change without notice. As examples, the order of children nodes is not guaranteed, the number of children nodes might change, there is no way to access children nodes by name, etc.

If you are looking for a stable API or an API working under multiple Ruby implementations, consider using the parser gem or Ripper. If you would like to make RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree stable, please join the discussion at

This module provides instance methods for a digest implementation object to calculate message digest values.

Adds Windows type aliases to the including class for use with Fiddle::Importer.

The aliases added are:

OpenSSL IO buffering mix-in module.

This module allows an OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket to behave like an IO.

You typically won’t use this module directly, you can see it implemented in OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Flags for nodes that have unescaped content.

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