Results for: "match"

Creates a duplicate spec without large blobs that aren’t used at runtime.

Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version.

Singular accessor for require_paths

Singular accessor for require_paths

True if this gem has the same attributes as other.

Checks if this specification meets the requirement of dependency.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Does a sanity check on the specification.

Raises InvalidSpecificationException if the spec does not pass the checks.

Only runs checks that are considered necessary for the specification to be functional.

No documentation available

Issues a warning for each file to be packaged which is world-readable.

Implementation for Specification#validate_permissions

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Regenerates plugin wrappers after removal.

Is spec in gem_dir?

No documentation available
No documentation available

Terminate the application with exit code status, running any exit handlers that might have been defined.

No documentation available

Used to hide lines

The search alorithm will group lines into blocks then if those blocks are determined to represent valid code they will be hidden

Discards any changes that have not been committed

raise InvalidURIError

raise InvalidURIError

raise InvalidURIError

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 2422