Results for: "minmax"

Represents the use of the ‘defined?` keyword.


Represents a find pattern in pattern matching.

foo in *bar, baz, *qux

foo in [*bar, baz, *qux]

foo in Foo(*bar, baz, *qux)

Represents forwarding all arguments to this method to another method.

def foo(...)

Represents the use of the forwarding parameter in a method, block, or lambda declaration.

def foo(...)

Represents the use of the ‘super` keyword without parentheses or arguments.


Represents the use of the ‘in` keyword in a case statement.

case a; in b then c end

Represents the use of the ‘&&=` operator on a call to the `[]` method.[baz] &&= value

Represents the use of an assignment operator on a call to ‘[]`.[baz] += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator on a call to `[]`.[baz] ||= value

Represents assigning to an index.

foo[bar], = 1

rescue => foo[bar]

for foo[bar] in baz do end

Represents the use of the ‘&&=` operator for assignment to an instance variable.

@target &&= value

Represents assigning to an instance variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.

@target += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to an instance variable.

@target ||= value

Represents referencing an instance variable.


Represents writing to an instance variable in a context that doesn’t have an explicit value.

@foo, @bar = baz
^^^^  ^^^^

Represents writing to an instance variable.

@foo = 1

Represents an integer number literal.


Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation.

/foo #{bar} baz/

Represents a symbol literal that contains interpolation.

:"foo #{bar} baz"

Represents the use of the modifier ‘in` operator.

foo in bar

Represents the use of the ‘=>` operator.

foo => bar

Represents writing local variables using a regular expression match with named capture groups.

/(?<foo>bar)/ =~ baz

Represents the use of the ‘^` operator for pinning an expression in a pattern matching expression.

foo in ^(bar)

Represents the use of the ‘^` operator for pinning a variable in a pattern matching expression.

foo in ^bar

Represents a singleton class declaration involving the ‘class` keyword.

class << self end
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