Results for: "strip"

Copy a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node

Copy a ConstantOrWriteNode node

Copy a ConstantPathWriteNode node

Copy a GlobalVariableWriteNode node

Copy a InstanceVariableReadNode node

Copy a InstanceVariableTargetNode node

Copy a LocalVariableWriteNode node

Reset nil attributes to their default values to make the spec valid

No documentation available
No documentation available

If object is an Array object, returns object.

Otherwise if object responds to :to_ary, calls object.to_ary and returns the result.

Returns nil if object does not respond to :to_ary

Raises an exception unless object.to_ary returns an Array object.

If object is an Integer object, returns object.

Integer.try_convert(1) # => 1

Otherwise if object responds to :to_int, calls object.to_int and returns the result.

Integer.try_convert(1.25) # => 1

Returns nil if object does not respond to :to_int

Integer.try_convert([]) # => nil

Raises an exception unless object.to_int returns an Integer object.

If object is a String object, returns object.

Otherwise if object responds to :to_str, calls object.to_str and returns the result.

Returns nil if object does not respond to :to_str.

Raises an exception unless object.to_str returns a String object.

Returns an array of the grapheme clusters in self (see Unicode Grapheme Cluster Boundaries):

s = "\u0061\u0308-pqr-\u0062\u0308-xyz-\u0063\u0308" # => "ä-pqr-b̈-xyz-c̈"
# => ["ä", "-", "p", "q", "r", "-", "b̈", "-", "x", "y", "z", "-", "c̈"]

Returns whether self starts with any of the given string_or_regexp.

Matches patterns against the beginning of self. For each given string_or_regexp, the pattern is:

Returns true if any pattern matches the beginning, false otherwise:

'hello'.start_with?('hell')               # => true
'hello'.start_with?(/H/i)                 # => true
'hello'.start_with?('heaven', 'hell')     # => true
'hello'.start_with?('heaven', 'paradise') # => false
'тест'.start_with?('т')                   # => true
'こんにちは'.start_with?('こ')              # => true

Related: String#end_with?.

Like String#tr_s, but modifies self in place. Returns self if any changes were made, nil otherwise.

Related: String#squeeze!.

Like backtrace, but returns each line of the execution stack as a Thread::Backtrace::Location. Accepts the same arguments as backtrace.

f = { Fiber.yield }
loc = f.backtrace_locations.first
loc.label  #=> "yield"
loc.path   #=> "test.rb"
loc.lineno #=> 1

Returns true if the named file is writable by the real user and group id of this process. See access(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not writable by the real user/group.

If file_name is writable by others, returns an integer representing the file permission bits of file_name. Returns nil otherwise. The meaning of the bits is platform dependent; on Unix systems, see stat(2).

file_name can be an IO object.

File.world_writable?("/tmp")                  #=> 511
m = File.world_writable?("/tmp")
sprintf("%o", m)                              #=> "777"

Returns the list of available encoding names.

#=> ["US-ASCII", "ASCII-8BIT", "UTF-8",
      "ISO-8859-1", "Shift_JIS", "EUC-JP",
      "BINARY", "CP932", "eucJP"]

Returns the list of private methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false, only those methods in the receiver will be listed.

Returns true if obj is an instance of the given class. See also Object#kind_of?.

class A;     end
class B < A; end
class C < B; end

b =
b.instance_of? A   #=> false
b.instance_of? B   #=> true
b.instance_of? C   #=> false

Returns any backtrace associated with the exception. This method is similar to Exception#backtrace, but the backtrace is an array of Thread::Backtrace::Location.

This method is not affected by Exception#set_backtrace().

Sets the backtrace information associated with exc. The backtrace must be an array of String objects or a single String in the format described in Exception#backtrace.

Return a list of the local variable names defined where this NameError exception was raised.

Internal use only.

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