Results for: "minmax"

A short summary of this gem’s description.

Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem directory, and the cached .gem file.

Normalize the URI by adding “http://” if it is missing.

No documentation available

Returns the lines matched by the current scan as an array of CodeLines

Managable rspec errors

Managable rspec errors

Return an array of CodeLines in the document

No documentation available


combination([:a, :b, :c, :d])
# => [[:a], [:b], [:c], [:d], [:a, :b], [:a, :c], [:a, :d], [:b, :c], [:b, :d], [:c, :d], [:a, :b, :c], [:a, :b, :d], [:a, :c, :d], [:b, :c, :d], [:a, :b, :c, :d]]
No documentation available
No documentation available

Sets userinfo, argument is string like ‘name:pass’.

Returns the userinfo, either as ‘user’ or ‘user:password’.

Returns normalized URI.

require 'uri'

#=> #<URI::HTTP>

Normalization here means:

Destructive version of normalize.

No documentation available



an Array of Strings


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs.

No documentation available



an Array of Strings


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs.

No documentation available

Deprecated, used YAML::DBM#key instead.

Note: YAML::DBM#index makes warning from internal of ::DBM#index. It says ‘DBM#index is deprecated; use DBM#key’, but DBM#key behaves not same as DBM#index.

Returns a Hash (not a DBM database) created by using each value in the database as a key, with the corresponding key as its value.

Note that all values in the hash will be Strings, but the keys will be actual objects.

Returns a string representation of self:

$?.inspect # => "#<Process::Status: pid 1303494 exit 1>"

Returns a printable version of ec

ec ="iso-8859-1", "utf-8")
puts ec.inspect    #=> #<Encoding::Converter: ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8>
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