Results for: "strip"

Represents assigning to a global variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.

$target += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to a global variable.

$target ||= value

Represents writing to a global variable.

$foo = 1

Represents using a trailing comma to indicate an implicit rest parameter.

foo { |bar,| }

foo in [bar,]

for foo, in bar do end

foo, = bar

Represents referencing an instance variable.


Represents writing to an instance variable in a context that doesn’t have an explicit value.

@foo, @bar = baz
^^^^  ^^^^

Represents the use of the ‘&&=` operator for assignment to a local variable.

target &&= value

Represents assigning to a local variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.

target += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to a local variable.

target ||= value

Represents writing to a local variable.

foo = 1

Note: This integration is not finished, and therefore still has many inconsistencies with Ripper. If you’d like to help out, pull requests would be greatly appreciated!

This class is meant to provide a compatibility layer between prism and Ripper. It functions by parsing the entire tree first and then walking it and executing each of the Ripper callbacks as it goes.

This class is going to necessarily be slower than the native Ripper API. It is meant as a stopgap until developers migrate to using prism. It is also meant as a test harness for the prism parser.

To use this class, you treat ‘Prism::RipperCompat` effectively as you would treat the `Ripper` class.

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No documentation available

Gem::StreamUI implements a simple stream based user interface.

Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count

Used for detecting missing pairs of elements each keyword needs an end, each ‘{’ needs a ‘}’ etc.


left_right =
# => "end"

left_right =
source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}' source).each do |lex|
# => "}"

Keeps track of what elements are in the queue in priority and also ensures that when one element engulfs/covers/eats another that the larger element evicts the smaller element

Holds elements in a priority heap on insert

Instead of constantly calling ‘sort!`, put the element where it belongs the first time around


queue =
queue << 33
queue << 44
queue << 1

puts queue.peek # => 44

Capture parse errors from Ripper

Prism returns the errors with their messages, but Ripper does not. To get them we must make a custom subclass.


puts" def foo").call.errors
# => ["syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting ';' or '\\n'"]

Used to construct C classes (CUnion, CStruct, etc)

Fiddle::Importer#struct and Fiddle::Importer#union wrap this functionality in an easy-to-use manner.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Helper methods for both Gem::Installer and Gem::Uninstaller

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No documentation available
No documentation available
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