Results for: "match"

Retrieves the section and its pairs for the current configuration.

config.each do |section, key, value|
  # ...


Any optional arguments may be supplied as nil to preserve the OpenSSL defaults.

See the OpenSSL documentation for PKCS12_create().

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Convert path string to a class

Emit a map. The coder will be yielded to the block.

Emit a map with value

Returns a Psych::Parser::Mark object that contains line, column, and index information.

Get the indentation level.

Set the indentation level to level. The level must be less than 10 and greater than 1.

Returns the exit status of the child for which PTY#check raised this exception

The scanner’s state of the current token. This value is the bitwise OR of zero or more of the Ripper::EXPR_* constants.

returns the cmsg data as a string.

p, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").data
#=> ""

Returns the netmask address of ifaddr. nil is returned if netmask is not available in ifaddr.

returns the socket option data as a string.

p, :IPV6, :RECVPKTINFO, [1].pack("i!")).data
#=> "\x01\x00\x00\x00"

Logs a message at the fatal (syslog err) log level, or logs the message returned from the block.

Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)

Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| … }

Create or open the registry key subkey under key. You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see Constants)

If subkey is already exists, key is opened and Registry#created? method will return false.

If block is given, the key is closed automatically.

Returns if key is created ((newly)). (see Registry.create) – basically you call create then when you call created? on the instance returned it will tell if it was successful or not

Same as Win32::Registry.create (self, subkey, desired, opt)

No documentation available

Returns the type library file path.

tlib ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library')
puts tlib.path #-> 'C:\...\EXCEL9.OLB'
Search took: 2ms  ·  Total Results: 2422