Results for: "strip"

Raised to stop the iteration, in particular by Enumerator#next. It is rescued by Kernel#loop.

loop do
  puts "Hello"
  raise StopIteration
  puts "World"
puts "Done!"



Raised by exit to initiate the termination of the script.

The most standard error types are subclasses of StandardError. A rescue clause without an explicit Exception class will rescue all StandardErrors (and only those).

def foo
  raise "Oups"
foo rescue "Hello"   #=> "Hello"

On the other hand:

require 'does/not/exist' rescue "Hi"

raises the exception:

LoadError: no such file to load -- does/not/exist

No longer used by internal code.

SystemCallError is the base class for all low-level platform-dependent errors.

The errors available on the current platform are subclasses of SystemCallError and are defined in the Errno module."does/not/exist")

raises the exception:

Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - does/not/exist

IPSocket is the super class of TCPSocket and UDPSocket.

The Addrinfo class maps struct addrinfo to ruby. This structure identifies an Internet host and a service.

IPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.


require 'ipaddr'

ipaddr1 = "3ffe:505:2::1"

p ipaddr1                   #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>

p ipaddr1.to_s              #=> "3ffe:505:2::1"

ipaddr2 = ipaddr1.mask(48)  #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000>

p ipaddr2.to_s              #=> "3ffe:505:2::"

ipaddr3 = ""

p ipaddr3                   #=> #<IPAddr: IPv4:>

This class implements a pretty printing algorithm. It finds line breaks and nice indentations for grouped structure.

By default, the class assumes that primitive elements are strings and each byte in the strings have single column in width. But it can be used for other situations by giving suitable arguments for some methods:

There are several candidate uses:


Report any bugs at


Christian Lindig, Strictly Pretty, March 2000,

Philip Wadler, A prettier printer, March 1998,


Tanaka Akira <>

PStore implements a file based persistence mechanism based on a Hash. User code can store hierarchies of Ruby objects (values) into the data store by name (keys). An object hierarchy may be just a single object. User code may later read values back from the data store or even update data, as needed.

The transactional behavior ensures that any changes succeed or fail together. This can be used to ensure that the data store is not left in a transitory state, where some values were updated but others were not.

Behind the scenes, Ruby objects are stored to the data store file with Marshal. That carries the usual limitations. Proc objects cannot be marshalled, for example.

There are three important concepts here (details at the links):

About the Examples

Examples on this page need a store that has known properties. They can get a new (and populated) store by calling thus:

example_store do |store|
  # Example code using store goes here.

All we really need to know about example_store is that it yields a fresh store with a known population of entries; its implementation:

require 'pstore'
require 'tempfile'
# Yield a pristine store for use in examples.
def example_store
  # Create the store in a temporary file.
  Tempfile.create do |file|
    store =
    # Populate the store.
    store.transaction do
      store[:foo] = 0
      store[:bar] = 1
      store[:baz] = 2
    yield store

The Store

The contents of the store are maintained in a file whose path is specified when the store is created (see The objects are stored and retrieved using module Marshal, which means that certain objects cannot be added to the store; see Marshal::dump.


A store may have any number of entries. Each entry has a key and a value, just as in a hash:


The Transaction Block

The block given with a call to method transaction# contains a transaction, which consists of calls to PStore methods that read from or write to the store (that is, all PStore methods except transaction itself, path, and

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store.keys # => [:foo, :bar, :baz]
    store[:bat] = 3
    store.keys # => [:foo, :bar, :baz, :bat]

Execution of the transaction is deferred until the block exits, and is executed atomically (all-or-nothing): either all transaction calls are executed, or none are. This maintains the integrity of the store.

Other code in the block (including even calls to path and is executed immediately, not deferred.

The transaction block:

As seen above, changes in a transaction are made automatically when the block exits. The block may be exited early by calling method commit or abort.

Read-Only Transactions

By default, a transaction allows both reading from and writing to the store:

store.transaction do
  # Read-write transaction.
  # Any code except a call to #transaction is allowed here.

If argument read_only is passed as true, only reading is allowed:

store.transaction(true) do
  # Read-only transaction:
  # Calls to #transaction, #[]=, and #delete are not allowed here.

Hierarchical Values

The value for an entry may be a simple object (as seen above). It may also be a hierarchy of objects nested to any depth:

deep_store ='')
deep_store.transaction do
  array_of_hashes = [{}, {}, {}]
  deep_store[:array_of_hashes] = array_of_hashes
  deep_store[:array_of_hashes] # => [{}, {}, {}]
  hash_of_arrays = {foo: [], bar: [], baz: []}
  deep_store[:hash_of_arrays] = hash_of_arrays
  deep_store[:hash_of_arrays]  # => {:foo=>[], :bar=>[], :baz=>[]}
  deep_store[:hash_of_arrays]  # => {:foo=>[:bat], :bar=>[], :baz=>[]}

And recall that you can use dig methods in a returned hierarchy of objects.

Working with the Store

Creating a Store

Use method to create a store. The new store creates or opens its containing file:

store ='')

Modifying the Store

Use method []= to update or create an entry:

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store[:foo] = 1 # Update.
    store[:bam] = 1 # Create.

Use method delete to remove an entry:

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store[:foo] # => nil

Retrieving Values

Use method fetch (allows default) or [] (defaults to nil) to retrieve an entry:

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store[:foo]             # => 0
    store[:nope]            # => nil
    store.fetch(:baz)       # => 2
    store.fetch(:nope, nil) # => nil
    store.fetch(:nope)      # Raises exception.

Querying the Store

Use method key? to determine whether a given key exists:

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store.key?(:foo) # => true

Use method keys to retrieve keys:

example_store do |store|
  store.transaction do
    store.keys # => [:foo, :bar, :baz]

Use method path to retrieve the path to the store’s underlying file; this method may be called from outside a transaction block:

store ='')
store.path # => ""

Transaction Safety

For transaction safety, see:

Needless to say, if you’re storing valuable data with PStore, then you should backup the PStore file from time to time.

An Example Store

require "pstore"

# A mock wiki object.
class WikiPage

  attr_reader :page_name

  def initialize(page_name, author, contents)
    @page_name = page_name
    @revisions =
    add_revision(author, contents)

  def add_revision(author, contents)
    @revisions << {created:,
                   author: author,
                   contents: contents}

  def wiki_page_references
    [@page_name] + @revisions.last[:contents].scan(/\b(?:[A-Z]+[a-z]+){2,}/)


# Create a new wiki page.
home_page ="HomePage", "James Edward Gray II",
                         "A page about the JoysOfDocumentation..." )

wiki ="wiki_pages.pstore")
# Update page data and the index together, or not at all.
wiki.transaction do
  # Store page.
  wiki[home_page.page_name] = home_page
  # Create page index.
  wiki[:wiki_index] ||=
  # Update wiki index.

# Read wiki data, setting argument read_only to true.
wiki.transaction(true) do
  wiki.keys.each do |key|
    puts key
    puts wiki[key]

The class of the singleton object true.

Several of its methods act as operators:

One other method:

A class that provides the functionality of Kernel#set_trace_func in a nice Object-Oriented API.


We can use TracePoint to gather information specifically for exceptions:

trace = do |tp|
    p [tp.lineno, tp.event, tp.raised_exception]
#=> #<TracePoint:disabled>

#=> false

0 / 0
#=> [5, :raise, #<ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0>]


If you don’t specify the type of events you want to listen for, TracePoint will include all available events.

Note do not depend on current event set, as this list is subject to change. Instead, it is recommended you specify the type of events you want to use.

To filter what is traced, you can pass any of the following as events:


execute an expression or statement on a new line


start a class or module definition


finish a class or module definition


call a Ruby method


return from a Ruby method


call a C-language routine


return from a C-language routine


raise an exception


rescue an exception


event hook at block entry


event hook at block ending


event hook at all calls (call, b_call, and c_call)


event hook at all returns (return, b_return, and c_return)


event hook at thread beginning


event hook at thread ending


event hook at fiber switch


new Ruby code compiled (with eval, load or require)

This module provides a framework for message digest libraries.

You may want to look at OpenSSL::Digest as it supports more algorithms.

A cryptographic hash function is a procedure that takes data and returns a fixed bit string: the hash value, also known as digest. Hash functions are also called one-way functions, it is easy to compute a digest from a message, but it is infeasible to generate a message from a digest.


require 'digest'

# Compute a complete digest
Digest::SHA256.digest 'message'       #=> "\xABS\n\x13\xE4Y..."

sha256 =
sha256.digest 'message'               #=> "\xABS\n\x13\xE4Y..."

# Other encoding formats
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest 'message'    #=> "ab530a13e459..."
Digest::SHA256.base64digest 'message' #=> "q1MKE+RZFJgr..."

# Compute digest by chunks
md5 =
md5.update 'message1'
md5 << 'message2'                     # << is an alias for update

md5.hexdigest                         #=> "94af09c09bb9..."

# Compute digest for a file
sha256 = Digest::SHA256.file 'testfile'

Additionally digests can be encoded in “bubble babble” format as a sequence of consonants and vowels which is more recognizable and comparable than a hexadecimal digest.

require 'digest/bubblebabble'

Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble 'message' #=> "xopoh-fedac-fenyh-..."

See the bubble babble specification at

Digest algorithms

Different digest algorithms (or hash functions) are available:


See RFC 1321 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm


As Digest::RMD160. See


See FIPS 180 Secure Hash Standard.

SHA2 family

See FIPS 180 Secure Hash Standard which defines the following algorithms:

  • SHA512

  • SHA384

  • SHA256

The latest versions of the FIPS publications can be found here:

FileTest implements file test operations similar to those used in File::Stat. It exists as a standalone module, and its methods are also insinuated into the File class. (Note that this is not done by inclusion: the interpreter cheats).


URI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers (RFC2396).


Basic example

require 'uri'

uri = URI("")
#=> #<URI::HTTP>

uri.scheme    #=> "http"      #=> ""
uri.path      #=> "/posts"
uri.query     #=> "id=30&limit=5"
uri.fragment  #=> "time=1305298413"

uri.to_s      #=> ""

Adding custom URIs

module URI
  class RSYNC < Generic
    DEFAULT_PORT = 873
  register_scheme 'RSYNC', RSYNC

#=> {"FILE"=>URI::File, "FTP"=>URI::FTP, "HTTP"=>URI::HTTP,
#    "MAILTO"=>URI::MailTo, "RSYNC"=>URI::RSYNC}

uri = URI("rsync://")
#=> #<URI::RSYNC rsync://>

RFC References

A good place to view an RFC spec is

Here is a list of all related RFC’s:

Class tree

Copyright Info


Akira Yamada <>


Akira Yamada <> Dmitry V. Sabanin <> Vincent Batts <>


Copyright © 2001 akira yamada <> You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.

OpenURI is an easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.


It is possible to open an http, https or ftp URL as though it were a file:"") {|f|
  f.each_line {|line| p line}

The opened file has several getter methods for its meta-information, as follows, since it is extended by OpenURI::Meta."") {|f|
  f.each_line {|line| p line}
  p f.base_uri         # <URI::HTTP:0x40e6ef2 URL:>
  p f.content_type     # "text/html"
  p f.charset          # "iso-8859-1"
  p f.content_encoding # []
  p f.last_modified    # Thu Dec 05 02:45:02 UTC 2002

Additional header fields can be specified by an optional hash argument."",
  "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}",
  "From" => "foo@bar.invalid",
  "Referer" => "") {|f|
  # ...

The environment variables such as http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy are in effect by default. Here we disable proxy:"", :proxy => nil) {|f|
  # ...

See and for more on available options.

URI objects can be opened in a similar way.

uri = URI.parse("") {|f|
  # ...

URI objects can be read directly. The returned string is also extended by OpenURI::Meta.

str =
p str.base_uri

Tanaka Akira <>

The Prism Ruby parser.

“Parsing Ruby is suddenly manageable!”

- You, hopefully

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dispatcher.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dsl.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/node.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

Here we are reopening the prism module to provide methods on nodes that aren’t templated and are meant as convenience methods.

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/visitor.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

A module to implement the Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby.

Rinda is part of DRb (dRuby).


See the sample/drb/ directory in the Ruby distribution, from 1.8.2 onwards.

No documentation available

A base class for objects representing a C structure

Wrapper for arrays within a struct

A pointer to a C structure

No documentation available

Psych::Stream is a streaming YAML emitter. It will not buffer your YAML, but send it straight to an IO.

Here is an example use:

stream =$stdout)
stream.push({:foo => 'bar'})

YAML will be immediately emitted to $stdout with no buffering.

Psych::Stream#start will take a block and ensure that Psych::Stream#finish is called, so you can do this form:

stream =$stdout)
stream.start do |em|
  em.push(:foo => 'bar')
No documentation available
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