Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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The version requirement for this dependency request

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If the stream begins with a BOM (byte order marker), consumes the BOM and sets the external encoding accordingly; returns the result encoding if found, or nil otherwise:

File.write('t.tmp', "\u{FEFF}abc")
io ='t.tmp', 'rb')
io.set_encoding_by_bom # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>

File.write('t.tmp', 'abc')
io ='t.tmp', 'rb')
io.set_encoding_by_bom # => nil

Raises an exception if the stream is not binmode or its encoding has already been set.

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Returns true, if circular data structures should be checked, otherwise returns false.

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Sets the encoding to be used for the response body; returns the encoding.

The given value may be:

See Encoding.


http =
http.response_body_encoding = Encoding::US_ASCII # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
http.response_body_encoding = 'US-ASCII'         # => "US-ASCII"
http.response_body_encoding = 'ASCII'            # => "ASCII"
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def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool

def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool

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