Results for: "max_by"

Emit the end of a mapping.

See Psych::Handler#end_mapping

Builds a methods for level meth.

Returns major version.

tobj ='Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library', 'Documents')
puts tobj.major_version # => 8

Returns the type library major version.

tlib ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library')
puts tlib.major_version # -> 1

Returns the major part of File_Stat#dev or nil.

File.stat("/dev/fd1").dev_major   #=> 2
File.stat("/dev/tty").dev_major   #=> 5

Returns the major part of File_Stat#rdev or nil.

File.stat("/dev/fd1").rdev_major   #=> 2
File.stat("/dev/tty").rdev_major   #=> 5
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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

The main loop performed by a DRbServer’s internal thread.

Accepts a connection from a client, and starts up its own thread to handle it. This thread loops, receiving requests from the client, invoking them on a local object, and returning responses, until the client closes the connection or a local method call fails.

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Walk the tree and mark nodes that are on a new line.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Creates a socket at address

If address is multicast address then interface_address and multicast_interface can be set as optional.

A created socket is bound to interface_address. If you use IPv4 multicast then the interface of interface_address is used as the inbound interface. If interface_address is omitted or nil then ‘’ or ‘::1’ is used.

If you use IPv6 multicast then multicast_interface is used as the inbound interface. multicast_interface is a network interface index. If multicast_interface is omitted then 0 (default interface) is used.

Returns an expiry Time based on sec which can be one of:


sec seconds into the future


the expiry time is the start of 1970 (i.e. expired)


it is Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT Standard Time 2038 (i.e. when UNIX clocks will die)

Creates a Rinda::Tuple for ary.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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