Results for: "strip"

Get the information and services for the issuer from the certificate’s authority information access extension exteension, as described in RFC5280 Section

Returns an array of strings or nil or raises ASN1::ASN1Error.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Interpolate substition vars in the arg (i.e. $(DEFFILE))

Load extra data embed into binary format String object.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

When there is an invalid block with a keyword missing an end right before another end, it is unclear where which keyword is missing the end

Take this example:

class Dog       # 1
  def bark      # 2
    puts "woof" # 3
end             # 4

However due to the problem line will be identified as:

> class Dog       # 1

Because lines 2, 3, and 4 are technically valid code and are expanded first, deemed valid, and hidden. We need to un-hide the matching end line 4. Also work backwards and if there’s a mis-matched keyword, show it too

Parses the most indented lines into blocks that are marked and added to the frontier

Returns the node id for the given backtrace location.

rescue =>  e
  loc = e.backtrace_locations.first
end # => 0
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@return [Object] most up-to-date dependency in the possibility set

Creates and pushes the initial state for the resolution, based upon the {#requested} dependencies @return [void]

@param [Object] requirement @return [ResolutionState] the state whose ‘requirement` is the given


@param [Object] requirement @return [Array<Object>] the list of requirements that led to

`requirement` being required.
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No documentation available

The logical inverse of ‘capture_last_end_same_indent`

When there is an invalid block with an ‘end` missing a keyword right after another `end`, it is unclear where which end is missing the keyword.

Take this example:

class Dog       # 1
    puts "woof" # 2
  end           # 3
end             # 4

the problem line will be identified as:

> end            # 4

This happens because lines 1, 2, and 3 are technically valid code and are expanded first, deemed valid, and hidden. We need to un-hide the matching keyword on line 1. Also work backwards and if there’s a mis-matched end, show it too

Raises a VersionConflict error, or any underlying error, if there is no current state @return [void]

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