Results for: "Logger"

Returns true if this lock is currently held by some thread.

Attempts to grab the lock and waits if it isn’t available. Raises ThreadError if mutex was locked by the current thread.

Releases the lock. Raises ThreadError if mutex wasn’t locked by the current thread.

Closes the queue. A closed queue cannot be re-opened.

After the call to close completes, the following are true:

ClosedQueueError is inherited from StopIteration, so that you can break loop block.


q ={
  while e = q.deq # wait for nil to break loop
    # ...

Returns true if the queue is closed.

Similar to Thread::Queue#close.

The difference is behavior with waiting enqueuing threads.

If there are waiting enqueuing threads, they are interrupted by raising ClosedQueueError(‘queue closed’).

Convert source_string and return destination_string.

source_string is assumed as a part of source. i.e. :partial_input=>true is specified internally. finish method should be used last.

ec ="utf-8", "euc-jp")
puts ec.convert("\u3042").dump     #=> "\xA4\xA2"
puts ec.finish.dump                #=> ""

ec ="euc-jp", "utf-8")
puts ec.convert("\xA4").dump       #=> ""
puts ec.convert("\xA2").dump       #=> "\xE3\x81\x82"
puts ec.finish.dump                #=> ""

ec ="utf-8", "iso-2022-jp")
puts ec.convert("\xE3").dump       #=> "".force_encoding("ISO-2022-JP")
puts ec.convert("\x81").dump       #=> "".force_encoding("ISO-2022-JP")
puts ec.convert("\x82").dump       #=> "\e$B$\"".force_encoding("ISO-2022-JP")
puts ec.finish.dump                #=> "\e(B".force_encoding("ISO-2022-JP")

If a conversion error occur, Encoding::UndefinedConversionError or Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError is raised. Encoding::Converter#convert doesn’t supply methods to recover or restart from these exceptions. When you want to handle these conversion errors, use Encoding::Converter#primitive_convert.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a hex-encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a hex-encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value in a hex-encoded form and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a base64 encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a base64 encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

In either case, the return value is properly padded with ‘=’ and contains no line feeds.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

Creates an array of handlers for the given libs, can be an instance of Fiddle::Handle, Fiddle::Importer, or will create a new instance of Fiddle::Handle using Fiddle.dlopen

Raises a DLError if the library cannot be loaded.

See Fiddle.dlopen

Creates a global method from the given C signature.

The Fiddle::CompositeHandler instance

Will raise an error if no handlers are open.

See IO#getch.

See IO#getpass.

Get the next 8bit byte from ‘ssl`. Returns `nil` on EOF

Reads the next “line” from the stream. Lines are separated by eol. If limit is provided the result will not be longer than the given number of bytes.

eol may be a String or Regexp.

Unlike IO#gets the line read will not be assigned to +$_+.

Unlike IO#gets the separator must be provided if a limit is provided.

Reads one character from the stream. Returns nil if called at end of file.

Pushes character c back onto the stream such that a subsequent buffered character read will return it.

Unlike IO#getc multiple bytes may be pushed back onto the stream.

Has no effect on unbuffered reads (such as sysread).

Closes the SSLSocket and flushes any unwritten data.

If a block is given, it prints out each of the elements encountered. Block parameters are (in that order):


der = File.binread('asn1data.der')
OpenSSL::ASN1.traverse(der) do | depth, offset, header_len, length, constructed, tag_class, tag|
  puts "Depth: #{depth} Offset: #{offset} Length: #{length}"
  puts "Header length: #{header_len} Tag: #{tag} Tag class: #{tag_class} Constructed: #{constructed}"
No documentation available
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