Results for: "tally"

Shortcut for defining multiple delegator methods, but with no provision for using a different name. The following two code samples have the same effect:

def_delegators :@records, :size, :<<, :map

def_delegator :@records, :size
def_delegator :@records, :<<
def_delegator :@records, :map

Define method as delegator instance method with an optional alias name ali. Method calls to ali will be delegated to accessor.method. accessor should be a method name, instance variable name, or constant name. Use the full path to the constant if providing the constant name. Returns the name of the method defined.

class MyQueue
  CONST = 1
  extend Forwardable
  attr_reader :queue
  def initialize
    @queue = []

  def_delegator :@queue, :push, :mypush
  def_delegator 'MyQueue::CONST', :to_i

q =
q.mypush 42
q.queue    #=> [42]
q.push 23  #=> NoMethodError
q.to_i     #=> 1

Returns strongly connected components as an array of arrays of nodes. The array is sorted from children to parents. Each elements of the array represents a strongly connected component.

class G
  include TSort
  def initialize(g)
    @g = g
  def tsort_each_child(n, &b) @g[n].each(&b) end
  def tsort_each_node(&b) @g.each_key(&b) end

graph ={1=>[2, 3], 2=>[4], 3=>[2, 4], 4=>[]})
p graph.strongly_connected_components #=> [[4], [2], [3], [1]]

graph ={1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]})
p graph.strongly_connected_components #=> [[4], [2, 3], [1]]

Returns strongly connected components as an array of arrays of nodes. The array is sorted from children to parents. Each elements of the array represents a strongly connected component.

The graph is represented by each_node and each_child. each_node should have call method which yields for each node in the graph. each_child should have call method which takes a node argument and yields for each child node.

g = {1=>[2, 3], 2=>[4], 3=>[2, 4], 4=>[]}
each_node = lambda {|&b| g.each_key(&b) }
each_child = lambda {|n, &b| g[n].each(&b) }
p TSort.strongly_connected_components(each_node, each_child)
#=> [[4], [2], [3], [1]]

g = {1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]}
each_node = lambda {|&b| g.each_key(&b) }
each_child = lambda {|n, &b| g[n].each(&b) }
p TSort.strongly_connected_components(each_node, each_child)
#=> [[4], [2, 3], [1]]
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@return [Array] array of all the requirements that led to the need for

this unwind
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No documentation available
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No documentation available

Returns the ALPN protocol string that was finally selected by the server during the handshake.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a status string for the response.

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