Provides 3 methods for declaring when something is going away.

+deprecate(name, repl, year, month)+:

Indicate something may be removed on/after a certain date.

+rubygems_deprecate(name, replacement=:none)+:

Indicate something will be removed in the next major RubyGems version,
and (optionally) a replacement for it.


Indicate a RubyGems command (in +lib/rubygems/commands/*.rb+) will be
removed in the next RubyGems version.

Also provides skip_during for temporarily turning off deprecation warnings. This is intended to be used in the test suite, so deprecation warnings don’t cause test failures if you need to make sure stderr is otherwise empty.

Example usage of deprecate and rubygems_deprecate:

class Legacy
  def self.some_class_method
    # ...

  def some_instance_method
    # ...

  def some_old_method
    # ...

  extend Gem::Deprecate
  deprecate :some_instance_method, "X.z", 2011, 4
  rubygems_deprecate :some_old_method, "Modern#some_new_method"

  class << self
    extend Gem::Deprecate
    deprecate :some_class_method, :none, 2011, 4

Example usage of rubygems_deprecate_command:

class Gem::Commands::QueryCommand < Gem::Command
  extend Gem::Deprecate

  # ...

Example usage of skip_during:

class TestSomething < Gem::Testcase
  def test_some_thing_with_deprecations
    Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
      actual_stdout, actual_stderr = capture_output do
      assert_empty actual_stdout
      assert_equal(expected, actual_stderr)
Class Methods

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the Rubygems version that it is planned to go away.

Deprecation method to deprecate Rubygems commands

Temporarily turn off warnings. Intended for tests only.

Instance Methods

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the year/month that it is planned to go away.

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the Rubygems version that it is planned to go away.

Deprecation method to deprecate Rubygems commands

Temporarily turn off warnings. Intended for tests only.