Results for: "minmax"

Invoke the command with the given list of normal arguments and additional build arguments.

Adds a section with title and content to the parser help view. Used for adding command arguments and default arguments.

No documentation available

Writes the file containing the arguments for building this gem’s extensions.

No documentation available

Returns every spec that matches name and optional requirements.

@return [Array] specs of default gems that are ‘==` to the given `spec`.

No documentation available

Add the install/update options to the option parser.

Default description for the gem install and update commands.

Globs for files matching pattern inside of directory, returning absolute paths to the matching files.

Corrects path (usually returned by ‘URI.parse().path` on Windows), that comes with a leading slash.

Pushes a new {DependencyState}. If the {#specification_provider} says to {SpecificationProvider#allow_missing?} that particular requirement, and there are no possibilities for that requirement, then ‘state` is not pushed, and the vertex in {#activated} is removed, and we continue resolving the remaining requirements. @param [DependencyState] state @return [void]

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@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

@macro action

Indicates progress roughly once every second @return [void]

This integer returns the current initial length of the buffer.

This sets the initial length of the buffer to length, if length > 0, otherwise its value isn’t changed.

Returns the octet string representation of the elliptic curve point.

conversion_form specifies how the point is converted. Possible values are:

Returns the form how EC::Point data is encoded as ASN.1.

See also point_conversion_form=.

Sets the form how EC::Point data is encoded as ASN.1 as defined in X9.62.

format can be one of these:


Encoded as z||x, where z is an octet indicating which solution of the equation y is. z will be 0x02 or 0x03.


Encoded as z||x||y, where z is an octet 0x04.


Encodes as z||x||y, where z is an octet indicating which solution of the equation y is. z will be 0x06 or 0x07.

See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form()

No documentation available
No documentation available
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