Results for: "strip"

This sets the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON to the integer depth, max_nesting = 0 if no maximum should be checked.

Get the distributionPoint fullName URI from the certificate’s CRL distribution points extension, as described in RFC5280 Section

Returns an array of strings or nil or raises ASN1::ASN1Error.

Get the URIs for OCSP from the certificate’s authority information access extension exteension, as described in RFC5280 Section

Returns an array of strings or nil or raises ASN1::ASN1Error.

No documentation available

Deprecated in version 3.0. Consider using PKey::PKey#sign_raw and PKey::PKey#verify_raw instead.

No documentation available

Returns a Hash containing the following keys:


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in server mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in server mode


Number of start renegotiations in server mode


Number of sessions that were removed due to cache overflow


Number of successfully reused connections


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were not found in the cache


Number of sessions in the internal session cache


Number of sessions retrieved from the external cache in server mode


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in client mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in client mode


Number of start renegotiations in client mode


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were found in the cache but had expired due to timeouts

Perform hostname verification following RFC 6125.

This method MUST be called after calling connect to ensure that the hostname of a remote peer has been verified.

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Returns true if key is the corresponding private key to the Subject Public Key Information, false otherwise.

Serializes the private key to DER-encoded PKCS #8 format. If called without arguments, unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo format is used. If called with a cipher name and a password, PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo format with PBES2 encryption scheme is used.

Serializes the private key to PEM-encoded PKCS #8 format. See private_to_der for more details.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Oldest version we support downgrading to. This is the version that originally ships with the first patch version of each ruby, because we never test each ruby against older rubygems, so we can’t really guarantee it works. Version list can be checked here:

No documentation available
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