Results for: "Data"

Returns true if the named private method is defined by mod. If inherit is set, the lookup will also search mod’s ancestors. String arguments are converted to symbols.

module A
  def method1()  end
class B
  def method2()  end
class C < B
  include A
  def method3()  end

A.method_defined? :method1                   #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method1"          #=> false
C.private_method_defined? "method2"          #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method2", true    #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method2", false   #=> false
C.method_defined? "method2"                  #=> false

Makes existing class methods private. Often used to hide the default constructor new.

String arguments are converted to symbols. An Array of Symbols and/or Strings is also accepted.

class SimpleSingleton  # Not thread safe
  private_class_method :new
  def SimpleSingleton.create(*args, &block)
    @me = new(*args, &block) if ! @me
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns detail information of return value type of method. The information is array.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'Workbooks')
method =, 'Add')
p method.return_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Workbook"]

Returns detail information of type of argument.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'IWorksheetFunction')
method =, 'SumIf')
param1 = method.params[0]
p param1.ole_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Range"]

Returns detail information of type. The information is array of type.

tobj ='DirectX 7 for Visual Basic Type Library', 'D3DCLIPSTATUS')
variable = tobj.variables.find {|variable| == 'lFlags'}
tdetail  = variable.ole_type_detail

Handle BasicObject instances

No documentation available

Task description for the clobber rdoc task or its renamed equivalent

Task description for the rdoc task or its renamed equivalent

Task description for the rerdoc task or its renamed description

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Return the native thread ID which is used by the Ruby thread.

The ID depends on the OS. (not POSIX thread ID returned by pthread_self(3))

NOTE: If the thread is not associated yet or already deassociated with a native thread, it returns nil. If the Ruby implementation uses M:N thread model, the ID may change depending on the timing.

Starts tracing object allocations from the ObjectSpace extension module.

For example:

require 'objspace'

class C
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_sourcefile(obj)}:#{allocation_sourceline(obj)}"
end #=> "objtrace.rb:8"

This example has included the ObjectSpace module to make it easier to read, but you can also use the ::trace_object_allocations notation (recommended).

Note that this feature introduces a huge performance decrease and huge memory consumption.

Returns the method identifier for the given object.

class A
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_class_path(obj)}##{allocation_method_id(obj)}"
end #=> "Class#new"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Calls CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON). Starts tracking memory allocations. See also OpenSSL.print_mem_leaks.

This is available only when built with a capable OpenSSL and –enable-debug configure option.

Returns the size of memory allocated by malloc().

Only available if ruby was built with CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE.

Returns information about the most recent garbage collection.

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

Returns information about object moved in the most recent GC compaction.

The returned hash has two keys :considered and :moved. The hash for :considered lists the number of objects that were considered for movement by the compactor, and the :moved hash lists the number of objects that were actually moved. Some objects can’t be moved (maybe they were pinned) so these numbers can be used to calculate compaction efficiency.

Enable to measure GC time. You can get the result with GC.stat(:time). Note that GC time measurement can cause some performance overhead.

Return measure_total_time flag (default: true). Note that measurement can affect the application performance.

Set the default id conversion object.

This is expected to be an instance such as DRb::DRbIdConv that responds to to_id and to_obj that can convert objects to and from DRb references.

See DRbServer#default_id_conv.

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