Results for: "Data"

No documentation available

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

Downloads uri and returns it as a String.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Call hooks on installed gems

True if version satisfies this Requirement.

No documentation available

Paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is activated. If you have an extension you do not need to add "ext" to the require path, the extension build process will copy the extension files into “lib” for you.

The default value is "lib"


# If all library files are in the root directory...
spec.require_paths = ['.']
No documentation available

Return the list of all array-oriented instance variables.

Return the list of all instance variables.

Return the latest specs, optionally including prerelease specs if prerelease is true.

Is name a required attribute?

Required specification attributes

Activate all unambiguously resolved runtime dependencies of this spec. Add any ambiguous dependencies to the unresolved list to be resolved later, as needed.

Singular accessor for require_paths

Singular accessor for require_paths

True if this gem has the same attributes as other.

Checks if this specification meets the requirement of dependency.

Uninstalls gem spec

Removes installed executables and batch files (windows only) for spec.

Regenerates plugin wrappers after removal.

Is spec in gem_dir?

Terminate the application with exit code status, running any exit handlers that might have been defined.

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