Results for: "Data"

Returns if key is created ((newly)). (see Registry.create) – basically you call create then when you call created? on the instance returned it will tell if it was successful or not

Same as Win32::Registry.create (self, subkey, desired, opt)

Compresses the given string. Valid values of level are Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION, Zlib::BEST_SPEED, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or an integer from 0 to 9.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def deflate(string, level)
  z =
  dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)

See also Zlib.inflate

Inputs string into the deflate stream and returns the output from the stream. On calling this method, both the input and the output buffers of the stream are flushed. If string is nil, this method finishes the stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.

If a block is given consecutive deflated chunks from the string are yielded to the block and nil is returned.

The flush parameter specifies the flush mode. The following constants may be used:


The default


Flushes the output to a byte boundary


SYNC_FLUSH + resets the compression state


Pending input is processed, pending output is flushed.

See the constants for further description.

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Inputs deflate_string into the inflate stream and returns the output from the stream. Calling this method, both the input and the output buffer of the stream are flushed. If string is nil, this method finishes the stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.

If a block is given consecutive inflated chunks from the deflate_string are yielded to the block and nil is returned.

If a :buffer keyword argument is given and not nil:

Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed to decompress. Set the dictionary by Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary and then call this method again with an empty string to flush the stream:

inflater =

  out = inflater.inflate compressed
rescue Zlib::NeedDict
  # ensure the dictionary matches the stream's required dictionary
  raise unless inflater.adler == Zlib.adler32(dictionary)

  inflater.set_dictionary dictionary
  inflater.inflate ''

# ...


See also

Decompresses all gzip data in the io, handling multiple gzip streams until the end of the io. There should not be any non-gzip data after the gzip streams.

If a block is given, it is yielded strings of uncompressed data, and the method returns nil. If a block is not given, the method returns the concatenation of all uncompressed data in all gzip streams.

Returns the last access time for this file as an object of class Time.

File.stat("testfile").atime   #=> Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969

Returns true if stat is readable by the effective user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").readable?   #=> true

Returns true if stat is writable by the effective user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").writable?   #=> true

Returns true if stat is executable or if the operating system doesn’t distinguish executable files from nonexecutable files. The tests are made using the effective owner of the process.

File.stat("testfile").executable?   #=> false

Returns the path of this instruction sequence.

<compiled> if the iseq was evaluated from a string.

For example, using irb:

iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2')
#=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>
#=> "<compiled>"

Using ::compile_file:

# /tmp/method.rb
def hello
  puts "hello, world"

# in irb
> iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb')
> iseq.path #=> /tmp/method.rb

Returns the contents of this Tms object as a formatted string, according to a format string like that passed to Kernel.format. In addition, format accepts the following extensions:


Replaced by the user CPU time, as reported by Tms#utime.


Replaced by the system CPU time, as reported by stime (Mnemonic: y of “s*y*stem”)


Replaced by the children’s user CPU time, as reported by Tms#cutime


Replaced by the children’s system CPU time, as reported by Tms#cstime


Replaced by the total CPU time, as reported by Tms#total


Replaced by the elapsed real time, as reported by Tms#real


Replaced by the label string, as reported by Tms#label (Mnemonic: n of “*n*ame”)

If format is not given, FORMAT is used as default value, detailing the user, system and real elapsed time.

Set path for which this cookie applies

Matches addr against this entry.

Matches addr against each ACLEntry in this list.

Creates a new Net::HTTP object, then additionally opens the TCP connection and HTTP session.

Arguments are the following:


hostname or IP address of the server


port of the server


address of proxy


port of proxy


user of proxy


pass of proxy


optional hash

opt sets following values by its accessor. The keys are ipaddr, ca_file, ca_path, cert, cert_store, ciphers, keep_alive_timeout, close_on_empty_response, key, open_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout, ssl_timeout, ssl_version, use_ssl, verify_callback, verify_depth and verify_mode. If you set :use_ssl as true, you can use https and default value of verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.

If the optional block is given, the newly created Net::HTTP object is passed to it and closed when the block finishes. In this case, the return value of this method is the return value of the block. If no block is given, the return value of this method is the newly created Net::HTTP object itself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion using the finish() method.

Returns true if the HTTP session has been started.

Opens a TCP connection and HTTP session.

When this method is called with a block, it passes the Net::HTTP object to the block, and closes the TCP connection and HTTP session after the block has been executed.

When called with a block, it returns the return value of the block; otherwise, it returns self.

Sends a PATCH request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

Sends a PROPPATCH request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

Returns the path from an FTP URI.

RFC 1738 specifically states that the path for an FTP URI does not include the / which separates the URI path from the URI host. Example:

The above URI indicates that the client should connect to then cd to pub/ruby from the initial login directory.

If you want to cd to an absolute directory, you must include an escaped / (%2F) in the path. Example:

This method will then return “/pub/ruby”.

No documentation available

Completion for hash key.

No documentation available
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