Results for: "partition"

Gets a list of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Sets a list of characters that cause a filename to be quoted by the completer when they appear in a completed filename. The default is nil.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets a list of characters that cause a filename to be quoted by the completer when they appear in a completed filename.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Verify internal consistency.

This method is implementation specific. Now this method checks generational consistency if RGenGC is supported.

Returns information about object moved in the most recent GC compaction.

The returned hash has two keys :considered and :moved. The hash for :considered lists the number of objects that were considered for movement by the compactor, and the :moved hash lists the number of objects that were actually moved. Some objects can’t be moved (maybe they were pinned) so these numbers can be used to calculate compaction efficiency.

Set the default id conversion object.

This is expected to be an instance such as DRb::DRbIdConv that responds to to_id and to_obj that can convert objects to and from DRb references.

See DRbServer#default_id_conv.

Set the default id conversion object.

This is expected to be an instance such as DRb::DRbIdConv that responds to to_id and to_obj that can convert objects to and from DRb references.

See DRbServer#default_id_conv.

Glob pattern for require-able plugin suffixes.

Clear default gem related variables. It is for test

Finds the user’s config file

The default signing key path

Should be implemented by a extended class.

tsort_each_node is used to iterate for all nodes over a graph.

Should be implemented by a extended class.

tsort_each_child is used to iterate for child nodes of node.

@return [Object] most up-to-date dependency in the possibility set

No documentation available

Returns the security level for the context.

See also OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#security_level=.

Sets the security level for the context. OpenSSL limits parameters according to the level. The “parameters” include: ciphersuites, curves, key sizes, certificate signature algorithms, protocol version and so on. For example, level 1 rejects parameters offering below 80 bits of security, such as ciphersuites using MD5 for the MAC or RSA keys shorter than 1024 bits.

Note that attempts to set such parameters with insufficient security are also blocked. You need to lower the level first.

This feature is not supported in OpenSSL < 1.1.0, and setting the level to other than 0 will raise NotImplementedError. Level 0 means everything is permitted, the same behavior as previous versions of OpenSSL.

See the manpage of SSL_CTX_set_security_level(3) for details.

Initiates the SSL/TLS handshake as a server in non-blocking manner.

# emulates blocking accept
rescue IO::WaitReadable[s2])
rescue IO::WaitWritable, [s2])

By specifying a keyword argument exception to false, you can indicate that accept_nonblock should not raise an IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable exception, but return the symbol :wait_readable or :wait_writable instead.

A non-blocking version of sysread. Raises an SSLError if reading would block. If “exception: false” is passed, this method returns a symbol of :wait_readable, :wait_writable, or nil, rather than raising an exception.

Reads length bytes from the SSL connection. If a pre-allocated buffer is provided the data will be written into it.

The X509 certificate for this socket’s peer.

Returns the TCPServer passed to the SSLServer when initialized.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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