Results for: "strip"

Simple option list providing mapping from short and/or long option string to OptionParser::Switch and mapping from acceptable argument to matching pattern and converter pair. Also provides summary feature.

An abstract class for enumerating pseudo-prime numbers.

Concrete subclasses should override succ, next, rewind.

An implementation of PseudoPrimeGenerator.

Uses EratosthenesSieve.

Internal use. An implementation of Eratosthenes’ sieve

A table of LALR states.

A LALR state.

Resolv::Hosts is a hostname resolver that uses the system hosts file.

A Resolv::DNS IPv4 address.

A Resolv::DNS IPv6 address.

Rinda error base class

Raised when trying to use a canceled tuple.

Raised when trying to use an expired tuple.

A RingServer allows a Rinda::TupleSpace to be located via UDP broadcasts. Default service location uses the following steps:

  1. A RingServer begins listening on the network broadcast UDP address.

  2. A RingFinger sends a UDP packet containing the DRb URI where it will listen for a reply.

  3. The RingServer receives the UDP packet and connects back to the provided DRb URI with the DRb service.

A RingServer requires a TupleSpace:

ts =
rs =

RingServer can also listen on multicast addresses for announcements. This allows multiple RingServers to run on the same host. To use network broadcast and multicast:

ts =
rs = ts, %w[Socket::INADDR_ANY, ff02::1]

RingFinger is used by RingServer clients to discover the RingServer’s TupleSpace. Typically, all a client needs to do is call RingFinger.primary to retrieve the remote TupleSpace, which it can then begin using.

To find the first available remote TupleSpace:


To create a RingFinger that broadcasts to a custom list:

rf =  ['localhost', '']

Rinda::RingFinger also understands multicast addresses and sets them up properly. This allows you to run multiple RingServers on the same host:

rf = ['']

You can set the hop count (or TTL) for multicast searches using multicast_hops.

If you use IPv6 multicast you may need to set both an address and the outbound interface index:

rf = ['ff02::1']
rf.multicast_interface = 1

At this time there is no easy way to get an interface index by name.

RingProvider uses a RingServer advertised TupleSpace as a name service. TupleSpace clients can register themselves with the remote TupleSpace and look up other provided services via the remote TupleSpace.

Services are registered with a tuple of the format [:name, klass, DRbObject, description].

A TupleEntry is a Tuple (i.e. a possible entry in some Tuplespace) together with expiry and cancellation data.

A TemplateEntry is a Template together with expiry and cancellation data.


A NotifyTemplateEntry is returned by TupleSpace#notify and is notified of TupleSpace changes. You may receive either your subscribed event or the ‘close’ event when iterating over notifications.

See TupleSpace#notify_event for valid notification types.


ts =
observer = ts.notify 'write', [nil]

Thread.start do
  observer.each { |t| p t }

3.times { |i| ts.write [i] }


['write', [0]]
['write', [1]]
['write', [2]]

Installs a gem along with all its dependencies from local and remote gems.

Gem::DependencyList is used for installing and uninstalling gems in the correct order to avoid conflicts.

Raised when removing a gem with the uninstall command fails

No documentation available
No documentation available

Raised by Gem::Validator when something is not right in a gem.

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