Results for: "tally"

Returns the status of the response.

Returns an Array of statuses for this response. Each status contains a CertificateId, the status (0 for good, 1 for revoked, 2 for unknown), the reason for the status, the revocation time, the time of this update, the time for the next update and a list of OpenSSL::X509::Extension.

This should be superseded by BasicResponse#responses and find_response that return SingleResponse.

Returns the serial number of the certificate for which status is being requested.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns one of GRANTED, GRANTED_WITH_MODS, REJECTION, WAITING, REVOCATION_WARNING or REVOCATION_NOTIFICATION. A timestamp token has been created only in case status is equal to GRANTED or GRANTED_WITH_MODS.

Returns the ‘short name’ of the object identifier representing the algorithm that was used to derive the message imprint digest. For valid timestamps, this is the same value that was already given in the Request. If status is GRANTED or GRANTED_WITH_MODS, this is never nil.


algo = token_info.algorithm
puts algo                -> "SHA1"

Allows to set the object identifier or the ‘short name’ of the algorithm that was used to create the message imprint digest.


request.algorithm = "SHA1"

Returns the ‘short name’ of the object identifier that represents the algorithm that was used to create the message imprint digest.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns true if files may be created in the directory by STOU, STOR, APPE, and RNTO.

Returns true if the file or directory may be deleted by DELE/RMD.

Returns true if the listing commands, LIST, NLST, and MLSD are applied to the directory.

Returns true if the STOR command may be applied to the file.

some responses need quoting

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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