Results for: "strip"

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

Get the URI defining the local dRuby space.

This is the URI of the current server. See current_server.

Get the URI defining the local dRuby space.

This is the URI of the current server. See current_server.

No documentation available
No documentation available

If src is not same as dest, copies it and changes the permission mode to mode. If dest is a directory, destination is dest/src. This method removes destination before copy.

FileUtils.install 'ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby', mode: 0755, verbose: true
FileUtils.install 'lib.rb', '/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby', verbose: true

If src is not same as dest, copies it and changes the permission mode to mode. If dest is a directory, destination is dest/src. This method removes destination before copy.

FileUtils.install 'ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby', mode: 0755, verbose: true
FileUtils.install 'lib.rb', '/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby', verbose: true


URI::extract(str[, schemes][,&blk])



String to extract URIs from.


Limit URI matching to specific schemes.


Extracts URIs from a string. If block given, iterates through all matched URIs. Returns nil if block given or array with matches.


require "uri"

URI.extract("text here and here and here also.")
# => ["", ""]

Open3.pipeline_r starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|last_stdout, wait_threads|

last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_r("zcat /var/log/apache2/access.log.*.gz",
                 [{"LANG"=>"C"}, "grep", "GET /favicon.ico"],
                 "logresolve") {|o, ts|
  o.each_line {|line|

Open3.pipeline_r("yes", "head -10") {|o, ts|
  p      #=> "y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n"
  p ts[0].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24910 SIGPIPE (signal 13)>
  p ts[1].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24913 exit 0>

Open3.pipeline_r starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|last_stdout, wait_threads|

last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_r("zcat /var/log/apache2/access.log.*.gz",
                 [{"LANG"=>"C"}, "grep", "GET /favicon.ico"],
                 "logresolve") {|o, ts|
  o.each_line {|line|

Open3.pipeline_r("yes", "head -10") {|o, ts|
  p      #=> "y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n"
  p ts[0].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24910 SIGPIPE (signal 13)>
  p ts[1].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24913 exit 0>

Open3.pipeline_w starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdin of the first command.

Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, wait_threads|

first_stdin, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_w("bzip2 -c", :out=>"/tmp/hello.bz2") {|i, ts|
  i.puts "hello"

Open3.pipeline_w starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdin of the first command.

Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, wait_threads|

first_stdin, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_w("bzip2 -c", :out=>"/tmp/hello.bz2") {|i, ts|
  i.puts "hello"

Open3.pipeline starts a list of commands as a pipeline. It waits for the completion of the commands. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

status_list = Open3.pipeline(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as Process.spawn.


fname = "/usr/share/man/man1/ruby.1.gz"
p Open3.pipeline(["zcat", fname], "nroff -man", "less")
#=> [#<Process::Status: pid 11817 exit 0>,
#    #<Process::Status: pid 11820 exit 0>,
#    #<Process::Status: pid 11828 exit 0>]

fname = "/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz"
Open3.pipeline(["zcat", fname], "nroff -man", "colcrt")

# convert PDF to PS and send to a printer by lpr
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
Open3.pipeline(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
               ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"])

# count lines
Open3.pipeline("sort", "uniq -c", :in=>"names.txt", :out=>"count")

# cyclic pipeline
r,w = IO.pipe
w.print "ibase=14\n10\n"
Open3.pipeline("bc", "tee /dev/tty", :in=>r, :out=>w)
#=> 14
#   18
#   22
#   30
#   42
#   58
#   78
#   106
#   202

Open3.pipeline starts a list of commands as a pipeline. It waits for the completion of the commands. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

status_list = Open3.pipeline(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as Process.spawn.


fname = "/usr/share/man/man1/ruby.1.gz"
p Open3.pipeline(["zcat", fname], "nroff -man", "less")
#=> [#<Process::Status: pid 11817 exit 0>,
#    #<Process::Status: pid 11820 exit 0>,
#    #<Process::Status: pid 11828 exit 0>]

fname = "/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz"
Open3.pipeline(["zcat", fname], "nroff -man", "colcrt")

# convert PDF to PS and send to a printer by lpr
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
Open3.pipeline(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
               ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"])

# count lines
Open3.pipeline("sort", "uniq -c", :in=>"names.txt", :out=>"count")

# cyclic pipeline
r,w = IO.pipe
w.print "ibase=14\n10\n"
Open3.pipeline("bc", "tee /dev/tty", :in=>r, :out=>w)
#=> 14
#   18
#   22
#   30
#   42
#   58
#   78
#   106
#   202

Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:

% irb
>> Gem.install "minitest"
Fetching: minitest-5.14.0.gem (100%)
=> [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]

Get the default RubyGems API host. This is normally

Set the default RubyGems API host.

Returns the singleton instance.

Returns the result of converting the serialized data in source into a Ruby object (possibly with associated subordinate objects). source may be either an instance of IO or an object that responds to to_str. If proc is specified, each object will be passed to the proc, as the object is being deserialized.

Never pass untrusted data (including user supplied input) to this method. Please see the overview for further details.

Gets the resource limit of the process. cur_limit means current (soft) limit and max_limit means maximum (hard) limit.

resource indicates the kind of resource to limit. It is specified as a symbol such as :CORE, a string such as "CORE" or a constant such as Process::RLIMIT_CORE. See Process.setrlimit for details.

cur_limit and max_limit may be Process::RLIM_INFINITY, Process::RLIM_SAVED_MAX or Process::RLIM_SAVED_CUR. See Process.setrlimit and the system getrlimit(2) manual for details.

Sets the resource limit of the process. cur_limit means current (soft) limit and max_limit means maximum (hard) limit.

If max_limit is not given, cur_limit is used.

resource indicates the kind of resource to limit. It should be a symbol such as :CORE, a string such as "CORE" or a constant such as Process::RLIMIT_CORE. The available resources are OS dependent. Ruby may support following resources.


total available memory (bytes) (SUSv3, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD but 4.4BSD-Lite)


core size (bytes) (SUSv3)


CPU time (seconds) (SUSv3)


data segment (bytes) (SUSv3)


file size (bytes) (SUSv3)


total size for mlock(2) (bytes) (4.4BSD, GNU/Linux)


allocation for POSIX message queues (bytes) (GNU/Linux)


ceiling on process’s nice(2) value (number) (GNU/Linux)


file descriptors (number) (SUSv3)


number of processes for the user (number) (4.4BSD, GNU/Linux)


resident memory size (bytes) (4.2BSD, GNU/Linux)


ceiling on the process’s real-time priority (number) (GNU/Linux)


CPU time for real-time process (us) (GNU/Linux)


all socket buffers (bytes) (NetBSD, FreeBSD)


number of queued signals allowed (signals) (GNU/Linux)


stack size (bytes) (SUSv3)

cur_limit and max_limit may be :INFINITY, "INFINITY" or Process::RLIM_INFINITY, which means that the resource is not limited. They may be Process::RLIM_SAVED_MAX, Process::RLIM_SAVED_CUR and corresponding symbols and strings too. See system setrlimit(2) manual for details.

The following example raises the soft limit of core size to the hard limit to try to make core dump possible.

Process.setrlimit(:CORE, Process.getrlimit(:CORE)[1])

Specifies the handling of signals. The first parameter is a signal name (a string such as “SIGALRM”, “SIGUSR1”, and so on) or a signal number. The characters “SIG” may be omitted from the signal name. The command or block specifies code to be run when the signal is raised. If the command is the string “IGNORE” or “SIG_IGN”, the signal will be ignored. If the command is “DEFAULT” or “SIG_DFL”, the Ruby’s default handler will be invoked. If the command is “EXIT”, the script will be terminated by the signal. If the command is “SYSTEM_DEFAULT”, the operating system’s default handler will be invoked. Otherwise, the given command or block will be run. The special signal name “EXIT” or signal number zero will be invoked just prior to program termination. trap returns the previous handler for the given signal.

Signal.trap(0, proc { puts "Terminating: #{$$}" })
Signal.trap("CLD")  { puts "Child died" }
fork && Process.wait


Terminating: 27461
Child died
Terminating: 27460

Returns a list of signal names mapped to the corresponding underlying signal numbers.

Signal.list   #=> {"EXIT"=>0, "HUP"=>1, "INT"=>2, "QUIT"=>3, "ILL"=>4, "TRAP"=>5, "IOT"=>6, "ABRT"=>6, "FPE"=>8, "KILL"=>9, "BUS"=>7, "SEGV"=>11, "SYS"=>31, "PIPE"=>13, "ALRM"=>14, "TERM"=>15, "URG"=>23, "STOP"=>19, "TSTP"=>20, "CONT"=>18, "CHLD"=>17, "CLD"=>17, "TTIN"=>21, "TTOU"=>22, "IO"=>29, "XCPU"=>24, "XFSZ"=>25, "VTALRM"=>26, "PROF"=>27, "WINCH"=>28, "USR1"=>10, "USR2"=>12, "PWR"=>30, "POLL"=>29}

Returns the octet string representation of the elliptic curve point.

conversion_form specifies how the point is converted. Possible values are:

No documentation available
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