Results for: "match"

No documentation available
No documentation available

Defaults to use Ruby’s program prefix and suffix.

No documentation available

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

File Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

HTTP Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns true when it is possible and safe to update the cache directory.

Fetches a specification for the given name_tuple.

No documentation available

Implementation for Specification#validate_metadata

No documentation available

Checks the scheme v component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :SCHEME.

Checks the path v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :ABS_PATH and :REL_PATH.

Can not have a opaque component defined, with a path component defined.

Returns a conversion path.

p Encoding::Converter.search_convpath("ISO-8859-1", "EUC-JP")
#=> [[#<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>, #<Encoding:UTF-8>],
#    [#<Encoding:UTF-8>, #<Encoding:EUC-JP>]]

p Encoding::Converter.search_convpath("ISO-8859-1", "EUC-JP", universal_newline: true)
p Encoding::Converter.search_convpath("ISO-8859-1", "EUC-JP", newline: :universal)
#=> [[#<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>, #<Encoding:UTF-8>],
#    [#<Encoding:UTF-8>, #<Encoding:EUC-JP>],
#    "universal_newline"]

p Encoding::Converter.search_convpath("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-32BE", universal_newline: true)
p Encoding::Converter.search_convpath("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-32BE", newline: :universal)
#=> [[#<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>, #<Encoding:UTF-8>],
#    "universal_newline",
#    [#<Encoding:UTF-8>, #<Encoding:UTF-32BE>]]

Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters

No documentation available

A hint run by the resolver to allow the Set to fetch data for DependencyRequests reqs.

Prefetches reqs in all sets.

Prefetches specifications from the git repositories in this set.

No documentation available

The prefetch method may be overridden, but this is not necessary. This default implementation does nothing, which is suitable for sets where looking up a specification is cheap (such as installed gems).

When overridden, the prefetch method should look up specifications matching reqs.

Search took: 11ms  ·  Total Results: 1777