Results for: "minmax"

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offline mode. read name=value pairs on standard input.

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Yields to a block and preserves the previous set of objects being printed.

Check whether the object_id id is in the current buffer of objects to be pretty printed. Used to break cycles in chains of objects to be pretty printed.

Adds the object_id id to the set of objects being pretty printed, so as to not repeat objects.

Removes an object from the set of objects being pretty printed.

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@return the next sibling (nil if unset)

@return the previous sibling (nil if unset)

Find (and return) first subnode (recursively) for which the block evaluates to true. Returns nil if none was found.

Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.

Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.

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No documentation available
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No documentation available
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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

This method is used inside of several different objects to determine if special behavior is needed in the constructor.

Special behavior is needed if the array passed in as args has true or false as its value, and if the second element of args is a hash.

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