Results for: "Data"

Generates all integers which are greater than 2 and are not divisible by either 2 or 3.

This is a pseudo-prime generator, suitable on checking primality of an integer by brute force method.

Internal use. An implementation of Eratosthenes’ sieve

A set of rule and position in it’s RHS. Note that the number of pointers is more than rule’s RHS array, because pointer points right edge of the final symbol when reducing.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

The table of LALR actions. Actions are either of Shift, Reduce, Accept and Error.

No documentation available

This class needs:

spew back out what we get in. This works, but it would be better if we formatted the output ourselves.

AttlistDecls provide just enough support to allow namespace declarations. If you need some sort of generalized support, or have an interesting idea about how to map the hideous, terrible design of DTD AttlistDecls onto an intuitive Ruby interface, let me know. I’m desperate for anything to make DTDs more palateable.

Defines an Element Attribute; IE, a attribute=value pair, as in: <element attribute=“value”/>. Attributes can be in their own namespaces. General users of REXML will not interact with the Attribute class much.

This is an abstract class. You never use this directly; it serves as a parent class for the specific declarations.

A class that defines the set of Attributes of an Element and provides operations for accessing elements in that set.

No documentation available

Wrapper class. Use this class to access the XPath functions.

You don’t want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper for this class. Believe me. You don’t want to poke around in here. There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go back while you still can!


Rinda error base class

Templates are used to match tuples in Rinda.


A TemplateEntry is a Template together with expiry and cancellation data.


A NotifyTemplateEntry is returned by TupleSpace#notify and is notified of TupleSpace changes. You may receive either your subscribed event or the ‘close’ event when iterating over notifications.

See TupleSpace#notify_event for valid notification types.


ts =
observer = ts.notify 'write', [nil]

Thread.start do
  observer.each { |t| p t }

3.times { |i| ts.write [i] }


['write', [0]]
['write', [1]]
['write', [2]]

Since RSS is based on XML, it must have opening and closing tags that match. If they don’t, a MissingTagError will be raised.

Some tags must only exist a specific number of times in a given RSS feed. If a feed has too many occurrences of one of these tags, a TooMuchTagError will be raised.

Certain attributes are required on specific tags in an RSS feed. If a feed is missing one of these attributes, a MissingAttributeError is raised.

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