Results for: "strip"

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Creates an RubyGems API to host and path with the given HTTP method.

If allowed_push_host metadata is present, then it will only allow that host.

Retrieves the pre-configured API key key or terminates interaction with an error.

Allows OptionParser to handle HTTP URIs.

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Asks the user to answer question with an answer from the given list.

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Is there a path from ‘other` to `self` following edges in the dependency graph? @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}

@return [RequirementState] the current state the resolution is

operating upon
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No documentation available

Re-composes a prime factorization and returns the product.



Array of pairs of integers. The each internal pair consists of a prime number – a prime factor – and a natural number – an exponent.


For [[p_1, e_1], [p_2, e_2], ...., [p_n, e_n]], it returns:

p_1**e_1 * p_2**e_2 * .... * p_n**e_n.

Prime.int_from_prime_division([[2,2], [3,1]])  #=> 12
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