Results for: "tally"

Returns true iff the current severity level allows for the printing of FATAL messages.

Log a FATAL message.

See info for more information.

Invokes the block, setting the block’s parameters to the values in params using something close to method calling semantics. Returns the value of the last expression evaluated in the block.

a_proc = {|scalar, *values| {|value| value*scalar } }, 1, 2, 3)    #=> [9, 18, 27]
a_proc[9, 1, 2, 3]         #=> [9, 18, 27]
a_proc.(9, 1, 2, 3)        #=> [9, 18, 27]
a_proc.yield(9, 1, 2, 3)   #=> [9, 18, 27]

Note that prc.() invokes with the parameters given. It’s syntactic sugar to hide “call”.

For procs created using lambda or ->() an error is generated if the wrong number of parameters are passed to the proc. For procs created using or Kernel.proc, extra parameters are silently discarded and missing parameters are set to nil.

a_proc = proc {|a,b| [a,b] }   #=> [1, nil]

a_proc = lambda {|a,b| [a,b] }   # ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)

See also Proc#lambda?.

Invokes the meth with the specified arguments, returning the method’s return value.

m = 12.method("+")    #=> 15   #=> 32

Generates a Continuation object, which it passes to the associated block. You need to require 'continuation' before using this method. Performing a will cause the callcc to return (as will falling through the end of the block). The value returned by the callcc is the value of the block, or the value passed to See class Continuation for more details. Also see Kernel#throw for an alternative mechanism for unwinding a call stack.

Returns the called name of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside of a method, it returns nil.

Calls the operating system function identified by num and returns the result of the function or raises SystemCallError if it failed.

Arguments for the function can follow num. They must be either String objects or Integer objects. A String object is passed as a pointer to the byte sequence. An Integer object is passed as an integer whose bit size is same as a pointer. Up to nine parameters may be passed.

The function identified by num is system dependent. On some Unix systems, the numbers may be obtained from a header file called syscall.h.

syscall 4, 1, "hello\n", 6   # '4' is write(2) on our box



Calling syscall on a platform which does not have any way to an arbitrary system function just fails with NotImplementedError.

Note: syscall is essentially unsafe and unportable. Feel free to shoot your foot. The DL (Fiddle) library is preferred for safer and a bit more portable programming.

Returns the current execution stack—an array containing strings in the form file:line or file:line: in `method'.

The optional start parameter determines the number of initial stack entries to omit from the top of the stack.

A second optional length parameter can be used to limit how many entries are returned from the stack.

Returns nil if start is greater than the size of current execution stack.

Optionally you can pass a range, which will return an array containing the entries within the specified range.

def a(skip)
def b(skip)
def c(skip)
c(0)   #=> ["prog:2:in `a'", "prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:10:in `<main>'"]
c(1)   #=> ["prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:11:in `<main>'"]
c(2)   #=> ["prog:8:in `c'", "prog:12:in `<main>'"]
c(3)   #=> ["prog:13:in `<main>'"]
c(4)   #=> []
c(5)   #=> nil

Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method returns true if the block never returns false or nil. If the block is not given, Ruby adds an implicit block of { |obj| obj } which will cause all? to return true when none of the collection members are false or nil.

If instead a pattern is supplied, the method returns whether pattern === element for every collection member.

%w[ant bear cat].all? { |word| word.length >= 3 } #=> true
%w[ant bear cat].all? { |word| word.length >= 4 } #=> false
%w[ant bear cat].all?(/t/)                        #=> false
[1, 2i, 3.14].all?(Numeric)                       #=> true
[nil, true, 99].all?                              #=> false
[].all?                                           #=> true

Allocate size bytes of memory and return the integer memory address for the allocated memory.

Change the size of the memory allocated at the memory location addr to size bytes. Returns the memory address of the reallocated memory, which may be different than the address passed in.

Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.install_system_commands. Defines instance methods representing all the executable files found in Shell.default_system_path, with the given prefix prepended to their names.

Shell.install_system_commands"hello") # => hello

Set the default id conversion object.

This is expected to be an instance such as DRb::DRbIdConv that responds to to_id and to_obj that can convert objects to and from DRb references.

See DRbServer#default_id_conv.

Set the default id conversion object.

This is expected to be an instance such as DRb::DRbIdConv that responds to to_id and to_obj that can convert objects to and from DRb references.

See DRbServer#default_id_conv.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Really verbose mode gives you extra output.

Install generated indices into the destination directory.

Return an Array of Specifications contained within the gem_home we’ll be installing into.

Creates an installer for spec that will install into gem_home. If user is true a user-install will be performed.

No documentation available
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