A test case for Gem::Installer.

Instance Methods

Creates the following instance variables:


a spec named ‘a’, intended for regular installs


a spec named ‘b’, intended for user installs


the path to a built gem from @spec


the path to a built gem from @user_spec


a Gem::Installer for the @spec that installs into @gemhome


a Gem::Installer for the @user_spec that installs into Gem.user_dir

The path where installed executables live

Creates an installer for spec that will install into gem_home. If user is true a user-install will be performed.

Adds an executable named “executable” to spec with the given shebang.

The executable is also written to the bin dir in @tmpdir and the installed gem directory for spec.

Builds the @spec gem and returns an installer for it. The built gem includes:
