Results for: "max_by"

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Used to raise parsing and loading errors

The UriFormatter handles URIs from user-input and escaping.

uf = ''

p uf.normalize #=> ''
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No documentation available
No documentation available

In order to execute a command on your OS, you need to define it as a Shell method.

Alternatively, you can execute any command via Shell::CommandProcessor#system even if it is not defined.

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RFC6068, the mailto URL scheme.

Raised when a mathematical function is evaluated outside of its domain of definition.

For example, since cos returns values in the range -1..1, its inverse function acos is only defined on that interval:



Math::DomainError: Numerical argument is out of domain - "acos"

AbstractSyntaxTree provides methods to parse Ruby code into abstract syntax trees. The nodes in the tree are instances of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

A template for stream parser listeners. Note that the declarations (attlistdecl, elementdecl, etc) are trivially processed; REXML doesn’t yet handle doctype entity declarations, so you have to parse them out yourself.

Missing methods from SAX2


Methods extending SAX2

WARNING These methods are certainly going to change, until DTDs are fully supported. Be aware of this.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Provides a set of builders for various RSS objects

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Commands will be placed in this namespace

Format raw random number as Random does

This class represents a YAML Mapping.

A Psych::Nodes::Mapping node may have 0 or more children, but must have an even number of children. Here are the valid children a Psych::Nodes::Mapping node may have:

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