Results for: "strip"





Public setter for the host component v (with validation).

See also URI::Generic.check_host.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("") = ""
uri.to_s  #=> ""

Extract the host part of the URI and unwrap brackets for IPv6 addresses.

This method is the same as URI::Generic#host except brackets for IPv6 (and future IP) addresses are removed.

uri = URI("http://[::1]/bar")
uri.hostname      #=> "::1"          #=> "[::1]"

Sets the host part of the URI as the argument with brackets for IPv6 addresses.

This method is the same as URI::Generic#host= except the argument can be a bare IPv6 address.

uri = URI("http://foo/bar")
uri.hostname = "::1"
uri.to_s  #=> "http://[::1]/bar"

If the argument seems to be an IPv6 address, it is wrapped with brackets.



String to search


Patterns to apply to str


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs. If no block given, then returns the result, else it calls block for each element in result.

See also URI::Parser.make_regexp.



String to search


Patterns to apply to str


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs. If no block given, then returns the result, else it calls block for each element in result.

See also URI::Parser.make_regexp.

Starts the CGI process with the given environment env and standard input and output stdin and stdout.

The host this request is for

Sets the response’s status to the status code

A SimpleServer only yields when you start it

Performs the standard operations for daemonizing a process. Runs a block, if given.

Adds listeners from address and port to the server. See WEBrick::Utils::create_listeners for details.

Starts the server and runs the block for each connection. This method does not return until the server is stopped from a signal handler or another thread using stop or shutdown.

If the block raises a subclass of StandardError the exception is logged and ignored. If an IOError or Errno::EBADF exception is raised the exception is ignored. If an Exception subclass is raised the exception is logged and re-raised which stops the server.

To completely shut down a server call shutdown from ensure:

server =
# or


Stops the server from accepting new connections.

Stores value in database with key as the index. value is converted to YAML before being stored.

Returns value

Returns true if this process is stopped. This is only returned if the corresponding wait call had the WUNTRACED flag set.

Returns the number of the signal that caused stat to stop (or nil if self is not stopped).

Returns the least significant eight bits of the return code of stat. Only available if exited? is true.

fork { }           #=> 26572
Process.wait       #=> 26572
$?.exited?         #=> true
$?.exitstatus      #=> 0

fork { exit 99 }   #=> 26573
Process.wait       #=> 26573
$?.exited?         #=> true
$?.exitstatus      #=> 99

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a hex-encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a hex-encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value in a hex-encoded form and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a base64 encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a base64 encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

In either case, the return value is properly padded with ‘=’ and contains no line feeds.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

Writes s to the stream. If the argument is not a String it will be converted using .to_s method. Returns the number of bytes written.

Writes args to the stream.

See IO#print for full details.

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