Results for: "Data"

Sends the GETQUOTA command along with specified mailbox. If this mailbox exists, then an array containing a Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota object is returned. This command is generally only available to server admin.

Sends a SETQUOTA command along with the specified mailbox and quota. If quota is nil, then quota will be unset for that mailbox. Typically one needs to be logged in as a server admin for this to work. The IMAP quota commands are described in [RFC-2087].

Sends the SETACL command along with mailbox, user and the rights that user is to have on that mailbox. If rights is nil, then that user will be stripped of any rights to that mailbox. The IMAP ACL commands are described in [RFC-2086].

Send the GETACL command along with a specified mailbox. If this mailbox exists, an array containing objects of Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem will be returned.

Creates a new POP3 object and open the connection. Equivalent to, port, isapop).start(account, password)

If block is provided, yields the newly-opened POP3 object to it, and automatically closes it at the end of the session.


Net::POP3.start(addr, port, account, password) do |pop|
  pop.each_mail do |m|
    file.write m.pop

true if the POP3 session has started.

Starts a POP3 session.

When called with block, gives a POP3 object to the block and closes the session after block call finishes.

This method raises a POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.

Returns truth value if this object uses STARTTLS. If this object always uses STARTTLS, returns :always. If this object uses STARTTLS when the server support TLS, returns :auto.

Creates a new Net::SMTP object and connects to the server.

This method is equivalent to:, port).start(helo_domain, account, password, authtype)


Net::SMTP.start('your.smtp.server') do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message msgstr, '', ['']

Block Usage

If called with a block, the newly-opened Net::SMTP object is yielded to the block, and automatically closed when the block finishes. If called without a block, the newly-opened Net::SMTP object is returned to the caller, and it is the caller’s responsibility to close it when finished.


address is the hostname or ip address of your smtp server.

port is the port to connect to; it defaults to port 25.

helo is the HELO domain provided by the client to the server (see overview comments); it defaults to ‘localhost’.

The remaining arguments are used for SMTP authentication, if required or desired. user is the account name; secret is your password or other authentication token; and authtype is the authentication type, one of :plain, :login, or :cram_md5. See the discussion of SMTP Authentication in the overview notes.


This method may raise:

true if the SMTP session has been started.

Opens a TCP connection and starts the SMTP session.


helo is the HELO domain that you’ll dispatch mails from; see the discussion in the overview notes.

If both of user and secret are given, SMTP authentication will be attempted using the AUTH command. authtype specifies the type of authentication to attempt; it must be one of :login, :plain, and :cram_md5. See the notes on SMTP Authentication in the overview.

Block Usage

When this methods is called with a block, the newly-started SMTP object is yielded to the block, and automatically closed after the block call finishes. Otherwise, it is the caller’s responsibility to close the session when finished.


This is very similar to the class method SMTP.start.

require 'net/smtp'
smtp ='smtp.mail.server', 25)
smtp.start(helo_domain, account, password, authtype) do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message msgstr, '', ['']

The primary use of this method (as opposed to SMTP.start) is probably to set debugging (set_debug_output) or ESMTP (esmtp=), which must be done before the session is started.


If session has already been started, an IOError will be raised.

This method may raise:

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Returns the path from an FTP URI.

RFC 1738 specifically states that the path for an FTP URI does not include the / which separates the URI path from the URI host. Example:

The above URI indicates that the client should connect to then cd to pub/ruby from the initial login directory.

If you want to cd to an absolute directory, you must include an escaped / (%2F) in the path. Example:

This method will then return “/pub/ruby”.

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Completion for hash key.

Gets the IP address of name from the hosts file.

Gets all IP addresses for name from the hosts file.

Gets the IP address of name from the DNS resolver.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved address will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

Gets all IP addresses for name from the DNS resolver.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

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Creates a new IPv6 address from arg which may be:


returns arg.


arg must match one of the IPv6::Regex* constants

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No documentation available
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