Results for: "partition"

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Add a command-line option and handler to the command.

See OptionParser#make_switch for an explanation of opts.

handler will be called with two values, the value of the argument and the options hash.

If the first argument of add_option is a Symbol, it’s used to group options in output. See ‘gem help list` for an example.

Remove previously defined command-line argument name.

Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without modifying the default option hash).

Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the results.

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A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.

Terminate the application with exit code status, running any exit handlers that might have been defined.

Constructs the default Hash of patterns.

Constructs the default Hash of patterns.

The default OPTIONS request handler says GET, HEAD, POST and OPTIONS requests are allowed.

Returns a new closure wrapper for the name function.

See Fiddle::Closure

Parse uri into a [uri, option] pair.

The DRbProtocol module asks each registered protocol in turn to try to parse the URI. Each protocol signals that it does not handle that URI by raising a DRbBadScheme error. If no protocol recognises the URI, then a DRbBadURI error is raised.

Parse uri into a [uri, option] pair.

The DRbProtocol module asks each registered protocol in turn to try to parse the URI. Each protocol signals that it does not handle that URI by raising a DRbBadScheme error. If no protocol recognises the URI, then a DRbBadURI error is raised.

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Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code

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Stop tracing object allocations.

Note that if ::trace_object_allocations_start is called n-times, then tracing will stop after calling ::trace_object_allocations_stop n-times.

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No documentation available

Returns the birth time for stat.

If the platform doesn’t have birthtime, raises NotImplementedError.

File.write("testfile", "foo")
sleep 10
File.write("testfile", "bar")
sleep 10
File.chmod(0644, "testfile")
sleep 10"testfile")
File.stat("testfile").birthtime   #=> 2014-02-24 11:19:17 +0900
File.stat("testfile").mtime       #=> 2014-02-24 11:19:27 +0900
File.stat("testfile").ctime       #=> 2014-02-24 11:19:37 +0900
File.stat("testfile").atime       #=> 2014-02-24 11:19:47 +0900

Sanitize the descriptive fields in the spec. Sometimes non-ASCII characters will garble the site index. Non-ASCII characters will be replaced by their XML entity equivalent.

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