Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Reads the next character from ARGF and returns it as a String. Raises an EOFError after the last character of the last file has been read.

For example:

$ echo "foo" > file
$ ruby argf.rb file

ARGF.readchar  #=> "f"
ARGF.readchar  #=> "o"
ARGF.readchar  #=> "o"
ARGF.readchar  #=> "\n"
ARGF.readchar  #=> end of file reached (EOFError)

This method is intended as the primary interface for reading CSV files. You pass a path and any options you wish to set for the read. Each row of file will be passed to the provided block in turn.

The options parameter can be anything CSV::new() understands. This method also understands an additional :encoding parameter that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data in the file to be read. You must provide this unless your data is in Encoding::default_external(). CSV will use this to determine how to parse the data. You may provide a second Encoding to have the data transcoded as it is read. For example, encoding: "UTF-32BE:UTF-8" would read UTF-32BE data from the file but transcode it to UTF-8 before CSV parses it.

Yields each row of the data source in turn.

Support for Enumerable.

The data source must be open for reading.

Iterator version of ‘get’.

The block is called repeatedly with two arguments: The first is the option name. The second is the argument which followed it (if any). Example: (‘–opt’, ‘value’)

The option name is always converted to the first (preferred) name given in the original options to

Yields all elements of the matrix, starting with those of the first row, or returns an Enumerator if no block given. Elements can be restricted by passing an argument:

Iterate over the elements of this vector

Iterate over the elements of this vector and v in conjunction.

Searches key in @stack for id hash and returns or yields the result.

Iterates the given block over all prime numbers.



Optional. An arbitrary positive number. The upper bound of enumeration. The method enumerates prime numbers infinitely if ubound is nil.


Optional. An implementation of pseudo-prime generator.

Return value

An evaluated value of the given block at the last time. Or an enumerator which is compatible to an Enumerator if no block given.


Calls block once for each prime number, passing the prime as a parameter.


Upper bound of prime numbers. The iterator stops after it yields all prime numbers p <= ubound.

This method is just like PStore#[], save that you may also provide a default value for the object. In the event the specified name is not found in the data store, your default will be returned instead. If you do not specify a default, PStore::Error will be raised if the object is not found.

WARNING: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.

Calls the given block once for each element in the set, passing the element as parameter. Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

No documentation available

Returns a fiber-local for the given key. If the key can’t be found, there are several options: With no other arguments, it will raise a KeyError exception; if default is given, then that will be returned; if the optional code block is specified, then that will be run and its result returned. See Thread#[] and Hash#fetch.

Obtains a lock, runs the block, and releases the lock when the block completes. See the example under Mutex.

Equivalent to ($_.dup).chop!, except nil is never returned. See String#chop!. Available only when -p/-n command line option specified.

Equivalent to $_ = $_.chomp(string). See String#chomp. Available only when -p/-n command line option specified.

catch executes its block. If throw is not called, the block executes normally, and catch returns the value of the last expression evaluated.

catch(1) { 123 }            # => 123

If throw(tag2, val) is called, Ruby searches up its stack for a catch block whose tag has the same object_id as tag2. When found, the block stops executing and returns val (or nil if no second argument was given to throw).

catch(1) { throw(1, 456) }  # => 456
catch(1) { throw(1) }       # => nil

When tag is passed as the first argument, catch yields it as the parameter of the block.

catch(1) {|x| x + 2 }       # => 3

When no tag is given, catch yields a new unique object (as from as the block parameter. This object can then be used as the argument to throw, and will match the correct catch block.

catch do |obj_A|
  catch do |obj_B|
    throw(obj_B, 123)
    puts "This puts is not reached"

  puts "This puts is displayed"

# => 456

catch do |obj_A|
  catch do |obj_B|
    throw(obj_A, 123)
    puts "This puts is still not reached"

  puts "Now this puts is also not reached"

# => 123

Enumerates over the items, chunking them together based on the return value of the block.

Consecutive elements which return the same block value are chunked together.

For example, consecutive even numbers and odd numbers can be chunked as follows.

[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5].chunk { |n|
}.each { |even, ary|
  p [even, ary]
#=> [false, [3, 1]]
#   [true, [4]]
#   [false, [1, 5, 9]]
#   [true, [2, 6]]
#   [false, [5, 3, 5]]

This method is especially useful for sorted series of elements. The following example counts words for each initial letter.

open("/usr/share/dict/words", "r:iso-8859-1") { |f|
  f.chunk { |line| line.ord }.each { |ch, lines| p [ch.chr, lines.length] }
#=> ["\n", 1]
#   ["A", 1327]
#   ["B", 1372]
#   ["C", 1507]
#   ["D", 791]
#   ...

The following key values have special meaning:

Any other symbols that begin with an underscore will raise an error:

items.chunk { |item| :_underscore }
#=> RuntimeError: symbols beginning with an underscore are reserved

nil and :_separator can be used to ignore some elements.

For example, the sequence of hyphens in svn log can be eliminated as follows:

sep = "-"*72 + "\n"
IO.popen("svn log README") { |f|
  f.chunk { |line|
    line != sep || nil
  }.each { |_, lines|
    pp lines
#=> ["r20018 | knu | 2008-10-29 13:20:42 +0900 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 2 lines\n",
#    "\n",
#    "* README, README.ja: Update the portability section.\n",
#    "\n"]
#   ["r16725 | knu | 2008-05-31 23:34:23 +0900 (Sat, 31 May 2008) | 2 lines\n",
#    "\n",
#    "* README, README.ja: Add a note about default C flags.\n",
#    "\n"]
#   ...

Paragraphs separated by empty lines can be parsed as follows:

File.foreach("README").chunk { |line|
  /\A\s*\z/ !~ line || nil
}.each { |_, lines|
  pp lines

:_alone can be used to force items into their own chunk. For example, you can put lines that contain a URL by themselves, and chunk the rest of the lines together, like this:

pattern = /http/
open(filename) { |f|
  f.chunk { |line| line =~ pattern ? :_alone : true }.each { |key, lines|
    pp lines

If no block is given, an enumerator to ‘chunk` is returned instead.

Returns an enumerator object generated from this enumerator and given enumerables.

e = (1..3).chain([4, 5])
e.to_a #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Checks the status of the child process specified by pid. Returns nil if the process is still alive.

If the process is not alive, and raise was true, a PTY::ChildExited exception will be raised. Otherwise it will return a Process::Status instance.


The process id of the process to check


If true and the process identified by pid is no longer alive a PTY::ChildExited is raised.

Returns true if the named file is a character device.

file_name can be an IO object.

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

Allows setting the gem path searcher. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’

Changes permission bits on the named files (in list) to the bit pattern represented by mode.

mode is the symbolic and absolute mode can be used.

Absolute mode is

FileUtils.chmod 0755, 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod 0644, %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod 0755, '/usr/bin/ruby', :verbose => true

Symbolic mode is

FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod "u=wr,go=rr", %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", '/usr/bin/ruby', :verbose => true

is user, group, other mask.


is user’s mask.


is group’s mask.


is other’s mask.


is write permission.


is read permission.


is execute permission.


is execute permission for directories only, must be used in conjunction with “+”


is uid, gid.


is sticky bit.


is added to a class given the specified mode.


Is removed from a given class given mode.


Is the exact nature of the class will be given a specified mode.

Search took: 10ms  ·  Total Results: 1179