Results for: "tally"

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Starts a POP3 session and deletes all messages on the server. If a block is given, each POPMail object is yielded to it before being deleted.

This method raises a POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.


Net::POP3.delete_all('', 110,
                     'YourAccount', 'YourPassword') do |m|
  file.write m.pop

Deletes all messages on the server.

If called with a block, yields each message in turn before deleting it.


n = 1
pop.delete_all do |m|"inbox/#{n}") do |f|
    f.write m.pop
  n += 1

This method raises a POPError if an error occurs.

true if this object uses STARTTLS.

@return the XMLDecl standalone value of this document as a String. If no XMLDecl has been set, returns the default setting.

Removes multiple elements. Filters for Element children, regardless of XPath matching.


all elements matching this String path are removed.


an Array of Elements that have been removed

doc = '<a><c/><c/><c/><c/></a>'
deleted = doc.elements.delete_all 'a/c' #-> [<c/>, <c/>, <c/>, <c/>]

Deletes all attributes matching a name. Namespaces are significant.


A String; all attributes that match this path will be removed


an Array of the Attributes that were removed

Reads all tuples matching tuple from the proxied TupleSpace. See TupleSpace#read_all.

Finds all live tuples that match template.

Returns all tuples matching tuple. Does not remove the found tuples.

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Used by the Resolver, the protocol to use a AvailableSet as a search Set.

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Removes all gems in list.

NOTE: removes uninstalled gems from list.

Similar to decode with the difference that decode expects one distinct value represented in der. decode_all on the contrary decodes a sequence of sequential BER/DER values lined up in der and returns them as an array.


ders = File.binread('asn1data_seq')
asn1_ary = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode_all(ders)

The total time used for garbage collection in seconds

As for each_header, except the keys are provided in capitalized form.

Note that header names are capitalized systematically; capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP server in its response.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Called when a tag is encountered. @p name the tag name @p attrs an array of arrays of attribute/value pairs, suitable for use with assoc or rassoc. IE, <tag attr1=“value1” attr2=“value2”> will result in tag_start( “tag”, # [[“attr1”,“value1”],])

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Calls the constructed BlockCaller, with args

For an example see

Returns the challenge string associated with this SPKI.


Sets the challenge to be associated with the SPKI. May be used by the server, e.g. to prevent replay.

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