AccessLog provides logging to various files in various formats.

Multiple logs may be written to at the same time:

access_log = [
  [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT],
  [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT],

server = :AccessLog => access_log

Custom log formats may be defined. WEBrick::AccessLog provides a subset of the formatting from Apache’s mod_log_config See AccessLog::setup_params for a list of supported options


The Common Log Format’s time format

Common Log Format


Short alias for Common Log Format

Referer Log Format

User-Agent Log Format

Combined Log Format

Instance Methods

Escapes control characters in data

Formats params according to format_string which is described in setup_params.

This format specification is a subset of mod_log_config of Apache:


Remote IP address


Total response size


Given variable in ENV


Response filename


Remote host name


Given request header


Remote logname, always “-”


Request method


Given request attribute from req.attributes


Given response header


Server’s request port


The canonical port of the server serving the request or the actual port or the client’s actual port. Valid formats are canonical, local or remote.


Request query string


First line of the request


Request status


Time the request was received


Time taken to process the request


Remote user from auth


Unparsed URI


Literal %