Disables garbage collection, returning true
if garbage collection was already disabled.
GC.disable #=> false GC.disable #=> true
Returns the Base64-decoded version of str
. This method complies with RFC 2045. Characters outside the base alphabet are ignored.
require 'base64' str = 'VGhpcyBpcyBsaW5lIG9uZQpUaGlzIG' + 'lzIGxpbmUgdHdvClRoaXMgaXMgbGlu' + 'ZSB0aHJlZQpBbmQgc28gb24uLi4K' puts Base64.decode64(str)
This is line one This is line two This is line three And so on...
Returns true if new
is newer than all old_list
. Non-existent files are older than any file.
FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \ system 'make hello.o'
Returns true if new
is newer than all old_list
. Non-existent files are older than any file.
FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \ system 'make hello.o'
Escapes a string so that it can be safely used in a Bourne shell command line. str
can be a non-string object that responds to to_s
Note that a resulted string should be used unquoted and is not intended for use in double quotes nor in single quotes.
argv = Shellwords.escape("It's better to give than to receive") argv #=> "It\\'s\\ better\\ to\\ give\\ than\\ to\\ receive"
is a shorthand for this function.
argv = "It's better to give than to receive".shellescape argv #=> "It\\'s\\ better\\ to\\ give\\ than\\ to\\ receive" # Search files in lib for method definitions pattern = "^[ \t]*def " open("| grep -Ern #{pattern.shellescape} lib") { |grep| grep.each_line { |line| file, lineno, matched_line = line.split(':', 3) # ... } }
It is the caller’s responsibility to encode the string in the right encoding for the shell environment where this string is used.
Multibyte characters are treated as multibyte characters, not as bytes.
Returns an empty quoted String if str
has a length of zero.
Escapes a string so that it can be safely used in a Bourne shell command line. str
can be a non-string object that responds to to_s
Note that a resulted string should be used unquoted and is not intended for use in double quotes nor in single quotes.
argv = Shellwords.escape("It's better to give than to receive") argv #=> "It\\'s\\ better\\ to\\ give\\ than\\ to\\ receive"
is a shorthand for this function.
argv = "It's better to give than to receive".shellescape argv #=> "It\\'s\\ better\\ to\\ give\\ than\\ to\\ receive" # Search files in lib for method definitions pattern = "^[ \t]*def " open("| grep -Ern #{pattern.shellescape} lib") { |grep| grep.each_line { |line| file, lineno, matched_line = line.split(':', 3) # ... } }
It is the caller’s responsibility to encode the string in the right encoding for the shell environment where this string is used.
Multibyte characters are treated as multibyte characters, not as bytes.
Returns an empty quoted String if str
has a length of zero.
Raises a TypeError
to prevent duping.
By default, do not retain any state when marshalling.
Serializes obj and all descendant objects. If anIO is specified, the serialized data will be written to it, otherwise the data will be returned as a String. If limit is specified, the traversal of subobjects will be limited to that depth. If limit is negative, no checking of depth will be performed.
class Klass def initialize(str) @str = str end def say_hello @str end end
(produces no output)
o = Klass.new("hello\n") data = Marshal.dump(o) obj = Marshal.load(data) obj.say_hello #=> "hello\n"
can’t dump following objects:
anonymous Class/Module.
objects which are related to system (ex: Dir
, File::Stat
, IO
, File
, Socket
and so on)
an instance of MatchData
, Data
, Method
, UnboundMethod
, Proc
, Thread
, ThreadGroup
, Continuation
objects which define singleton methods
Re-composes a prime factorization and returns the product.
Array of pairs of integers. The each internal pair consists of a prime number – a prime factor – and a natural number – an exponent.
For [[p_1, e_1], [p_2, e_2], ...., [p_n, e_n]]
, it returns:
p_1**e_1 * p_2**e_2 * .... * p_n**e_n. Prime.int_from_prime_division([[2,2], [3,1]]) #=> 12
Waits up to the continue timeout for a response from the server provided we’re speaking HTTP 1.1 and are expecting a 100-continue response.